Yes! Finally they are here!
Congratulation to the winners of Round 8. I'd say it was an amazing round and I enjoyed it a lot to look at all the amazing entries! I'm still debating what to do next. I have some new ideas in mind but I'm still not sure about that. I hope everyone is okay when we take a little break. I think for this community it is also better if we open a round not right after because of the participation. But as soon as I think I found an interesting theme and also have time to I open a round. It might be soon ;)
Thank you so much for everyone who voted!
(If someone would willing to do the awards, that would be a great help! :))
Theme Winners
Best Clothing:
bangel_4e Best Building:
birdienlBest Person:
lady_turner Best Event:
debris4spike Best Acessory:
ravenlullaby Best Weapon:
lady_turner Best Symbol:
lancelotfan Best Outside Scenery:
lady_turner Best Inside Scenery:
birdienl Best Battle:
lancelotfan Category - Atmosphere: Winners
ladyhadhafang Second:
birdienl Third:
ravenlullaby Single Icons:
ladyhadhafang Second:
lancelotfan Third:
lady_turner Fourth:
ravenlullaby Fifth:
picanta_art Mod's Choice:
bangel_4e I love the atmosphere here and how you captured this scene beautifully
Artist's Choice Winners
birdienl Second:
picanta_art Third:
lady_turner (I did an mistake in the tie-break voting for picking up a second team to vote, but that would have been the voting between third and fourth place. I hope you forgive me for this :/)
Single Icons:
picanta_art Second:
lady_turner Third:
birdienl Fourth:(Tie)
ladyhadhafang Fourth: (Tie)
lancelotfan Fourth: (Tie)
lancelotfan Mod's Choice
debris4spike I love the whole concept of your AC and this one is my most favourite :)