Round 3 closed
So Round 3 is closed now with 7 entries (Thank you a lot
pirateveronica for your struggle to still submit your set!) 7 entries aren't quite as much as usual and I would have loved to see more but there's always a next round :-)
Next time I'm going to post a 1 day reminder also.
In my opinion the submitted entries all look absolutely awesome. I especially enjoyed it to look at all the category sets. For a history fan like me they are such a joy to look at and I'm really amazed what you did with this task. Maybe I will reuse this idea at some point in later rounds... So if you bare a moment it would be super great if you leave a comment at these amazing entries.
Do you also have some comments for the round or some feedback? Feel free to leave it here.
I do my best to post the voting today :-) and then after that I'm going to open the sign ups for Round 4. Round 4 will still be a normal round but Round 5 will probably be a round where you can claim legendary historical characters like Robin Hood, King Arthur etc. But if you have other suggestions just leave them here =)
Rule change
Another thing I want to mention is that I thought about a little change of the rules. So far the rules for sign ups say:
When you claim a person/event you can't claim the same historical person/event in the next round.
I want to alter this a little since many people had to drop out because of personal reasons the last rounds and I think it would be kind of mean for these people, because it isn't really their fault. So I would say that if you informed me or
shawnkyr or left a comment in the reminders post telling that you won't be able to enter because of certain reasons you can claim the same person/event the next round (as long as you want to). You'd still have to sign up as regular of course..and if someone claims the character before you you have to choose another one.
I hope this makes everything clear. But if you have questions just ask or again you can always leave suggestions.
The Category and Theme banners for Round 2 are coming as soon as possible.
If someone would want to volunteer for banner making this Round.. that would be awesome. One or two people are enough :-)