Given too much free time....

Aug 20, 2008 09:50 potentially turns into a philosopher.

I've always wondered why people put so much emphasis on chronological age.  It's only a number that shows how many years a person has been alive.  Are the number of years a person has been alive all that indicative of how they conduct themselves?  I think there is much to be said for the spirit of a person.  The body is merely a temporary house for the current incarnation of the spirit.  For some, the spirit is brand new, so the chronological age of the body is a correct assessment and reflection.  For others, however, the spirit is much older than the body.  There are those who possess a spirit that has been reincarnated many times over.  In  this instance, assessing a person by their chronological age does them a huge disservice.  That person could have much more self-awareness, poise, and knowledge than any chronological age stamp could ever say.  So in saying that a person should act their age, it begs one to wonder if those who possess old spirits should be acting according to their spirit age or their chronological age?  As one who knowingly possesses an old spirit, having someone insist upon me acting according to my assumed chronological age has always put me off.  Age is irrelevant.  Regardless of age, people can form relationships of any variety given that the connection between the people is similarly shared.  The insistence upon age can have a crippling effect.  Why cannot we act according to what we feel is right for ourselves?  If we understand ourselves to have a particular bearing and manner for any given situation, why suppress this?

In terms of suppression, there is much to say about societal suppression.  Object of examination and exploration is social groups; groups comprised of peers, all gathered seemingly under common ideas.   Many personal past months had been spent among a social group that exercised a good deal of suppression of a person's individuality.  Within the group, there were certain members who had a temperament that suggested that if I did not comply to the ideals of the group, I would essentially shoved out, unable to come back, despite the relationship I was having with one of those members.  So, in order to keep on vaguely friendly terms with a number of these individuals within the social group, I mimicked some behaviors that would cast the veneer that I was of like mind.  Meanwhile, my own personality was suppressed.  I suffered because of this suppression.  I lost sight of who I truly was.  Once removed from that group, my personality and spirit could breathe again.  I reclaimed myself and all that I am.  And I'm happier for it.  I understand that with the absence of some individuals, my time amongst the group in question would not have been so dreary, and that the current state of said group night not be as poor as it was when I was around.  Despite this, I shall never fully immerse myself in that again.

On a completely unrelated note, the Eastern European Dinner Party went off smashingly last night.   Nadine and I put it together quite spectacularly, given our limited preparedness.  Everything tasted fantastic and got a seal of approval from the guests (Brian and Joe).  The only downside to the evening was that Brian brought Joe.  The unfortunate thing about Joe is that he is one of those people who acts like a drunken five year old child all the time.  I could say much more, especially things in the extremely scathing side of things, but I shall keep my mouth shut.  But even with Joe's presence, the dinner was a lot of fun.  I love cooking and entertaining.  I made generations of my family's women proud last night with the dinner.  After Nadine and Joe left for the night, Brian and I crashed on the couch for a while.  We're both very laid back individuals, despite our loves of extreme things.  So it was good to just lie there and talk about random stuff and decompress from the day.

And now, before my brain completely explodes all over LJ, I shall wander off.  
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