Sorry for the lack of posting lately, things have been weird in my head. Too much thinking and general apathy. Probably a result of the house being a mess, not eating right, and not enough exercise. Hopefully that will change soon as I am getting sick of myself.
Work is still on hold, though they are hopeful that the pool will reopen on Monday. I am going in to work on projects tomorrow and Sunday to make up for some of the hours I'm missing. I am also supposed to speak with my manager tomorrow regarding a possible promotion to Headguard (very likely) and an administrative position (probable). We'll see how it goes. Details TBA.
Had a good, relaxing weekend hanging out with
jackspade64. Went down Saturday morning and left Monday afternoon. Mostly just talked (Life, Mass Effect) and played video games (Walking Dead, Halo: Reach). Met up with Red + BF on Sunday for the Scrabble Tournament. Played on a team with Red and BF; lost the first game to a guy who frequents tournaments, won the second against a nice bunch of older ladies.
Been spending most of my time lately catching up on some gaming (Mass Effect 2, Oblivion), putzing around on the internet, and organizing my digital notes. (Also, skyped with
pico_the_great) Need to do some legit cleaning in my room; there is construction dust on everything, and I think I would feel better if it didn't seem like I was living in a work zone. (I am, but that's besides the point.) Supposedly the construction will only take a few more weeks. I can't wait to have a real house again.