W.F.Engdahl at MSU

Oct 10, 2011 07:17

W.F.Engdahl's address at MSU on 04 October 2011

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: some missing words designated with '???' were covered by random noises etc. Also in one or two places Mr. Engdahl's sentences were not fully finished from a grammatical point of view, possibly because of the need to interrupt himself for the interpreter to cut in. This is quite normal for a live transcript and the meaning of the lecturer comes across very clearly and precisely in spite of this]

Thank you very much fo the possibility to be here today. I want to say some words on the geopolitical situation in our world today in the year 2011.

It may come as no surprise to most of you that in 1991 from the side of the sole remaining superpower the Cold War never ended. Instead when the Warsaw Pact dissolved and the Soviet Union with it NATO continued to expand eastward right up to the borders or Russia. The methods of this new cold war were transformed and instead of nuclear weapons although that remained the weapons became the International Monetary Fund and Harvard University shock therapy from Jeffrey Sachs and others. The strategic aim was and remains today the dismantling of Russia as a functioning nation in order to control Eurasia. In his now famous book "The Great Chess Game" Zbignev Brzezinski, a consultant to every President since Jimmy Carter, noted that Eurasia is the only landmass on the face of the Earth with the population, the natural resources, the intellectual capabilities to pose a challenge to America's sole hegemony.

10 years ago the primary focus of US foreign policy was the encirclement of Russia, militarily and otherwise. Today the primary emphasis is the encirclement of the rising power of China and driving a wedge between China and Russia on many levels. Behind of strategy of destabilization from Afghanistan to Pakistan across through the Middle East oil-producing countries of the Northern Africa, Libya, Southern Sudan and so forth, the so-called "Arab String" is the strategy aimed at controlling China and Central Asia - Eurasia.

To better understand the mentality of American strategy it is useful to go back to the year 1939, before the Second World war was even declared. At that time the America's most influential private think tank, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, CFR, was commissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation to carry on top-secret long-term strategy for how America would essentially rule the world as the victor of the coming world war. The project was called 'The War and Peace Studies of the Council on Foreign Relations' and included America's leading geopolitical strategist/geographer Isaiah Bowman addressing at the John Hopkins university and other leading figures who later went to the State Department. And one thing they resolved quite early while they were mapping out geopolitical tributaries of the world they would dominate after the war -- was the idea that they would not make the mistake that the British had made of calling theirs an American Empire. Instead they would call their mission 'extending democracy, freedom, and the American free enterprise system' to the oppressed masses of the world. It was a brilliant propaganda strategy. (00:08:01)

And as people such as John Cannon, the famous 'mister X' of the foreign affairs article who authored the strategy of containment of the Soviet Union and initiated the Cold War together with people around president Truman, as Cannon, others noted, the prime mission of American foreign policy is to keep the gains, the disproportionate gains that America had won in the war and not let sentimentality get in the way. (00:09:01)

This 'War and Peace Studies' group under professor Isaiah Bowman developed the strategy that was later [??? a cough covers the verb ??] United Nations organization and the related International Monetary Fund and World Bank that were part of that at the Bretton-Woods conference in 1944. (00:09:53).
And the real dawn of the real American Century and the American dollar system at Bretton-Woods took place not in June of 1944 in the conference in New Hampshire, it took place on the August 9th in the 1945 with the dropping of the atomic bomb on the civilian population in Japan. (00:10:42). The message of that atomic bomb on the civilian population was a clear signal to the entire world but especially to Russia, the Soviet Union then, that there is only one bully on the block and the name is United States of America.(00:11:12).

The real architect of America's foreign policy and geopolitical strategy after WWII however was not Isaiah Bowman and the group at the Council on Foreign Relations - it was rather an Englishman with the name sir Halford Mackinder, geographer. (00:11:39). And in 1943 shortly before his death Mackinder authored this in Foreign Affairs magazine on the role that America would play in the post-war world geopolitically as a dominant superpower ??? (00:12:11). Mackinder's geopolitical strategy went back to a work he did in 1919 in the context of the Versaille peace talks where he outlined a very simple axiom that power that controls Central Europe by which he meant Germany, France, Holland and the region ajoining - that power has the capacity to control what he called 'Heartland' by which he meant the Russian Empire; and the power that controls the Heartland of Eurasia is able to control the World Island as he called it, that is the entire landmass including India and down to the Middle East, Persian Gulf countries and parts of Africa, and of course (??) Europe; and the power that controls the World Island controls the world. What Mackinder did not say is the corollary: British grand strategy is and remains - and later American grand strategy - the preventing of that control of land between Central Europe, European countries and the Eurasian Hearltand. (00:13:37). Yet in 1943 it was not yet clear for Mackinder what the status of Germany would be in that strategy in the post-war world, but he envisioned 2 powers on the Eurasian landmass that would have to be controlled: either Russia/the Soviet Union (Pivot Area land as he called it) or China.


And in the post-war period where virtually every Secretary of State of the United States has been a protege of the Rockefeller group including Cyrus Vance, including John Foster Dalles including Henry Kissinger and Zbignev Brzezinski it's no surprise that Mackinder geopolitics has informed the American foreign policy up to the present day. (00:15:53) Perhaps the most successful of these Foreign Secretaries or Secretaries of State in the post-war period, Henry Kissinger , allegedly made a famous statement in the middle of the 1970s when the world had a simultaneous oil price crisis, the 400% rise in the price of the petroleum, and at the same time a world grain price explosion. At that time Kissinger reportedly - and he was the most powerful in Washington in mid- and early 1970s, as Nixon was fighting Watergate - Kissinger supposedly said 'if you control oil, you control entire nations,' (and he meant 'the United States' by 'controlling the oil'), 'if you control the food, you control the people. If you control the money - you control the entire world.' (00:17:41)

And if we look back at the history of US foreign policy and intelligence agency policy as well as Pentagon policy over the past 50 or so years, we find a series of wars that can be traced back to American intervention interference and destabilizations and cetera for control of that oil. (00:18:41)

Beginning in the early 1950s (with?) the CIA destabilization of Mossadek regime in Iran and bringing the Shah back into power in Iran as a more or less a puppet of the Rockefeller family. In 1973 it entailed a manipulation at a secret conference, planning conference in [???? - name of the town] outside of Stockholm in Sweden where the most powerful private persons from the United States and Europe including the Rockefellers, Henry Kissinger, including the heads of British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, the Rotshields, and others discussed and debated an imminent 400% increase of price of OPEC petroleum. And in 2000 I'd been invited by the Sheik ... Yamani to his home in London to discuss my book 'The Century of War'. And in that discussion Yamani asked me how I came by the information that I have in my book about the 1973 oil crisis. (00:21:45) And I explained to him in great detail how I put pieces of the puzzle together. He was astonished, and he told me 'Professor Engdahl' - he called me a professor, I said I'm no professor, he said 'professor Engdahl' again - 'You are the only person who's put this picture together that I know of of what really happened in 1973. When I was sent by my king to Teheran to ask the shah why Iran was demanding such an extremely high oil price in December 1973, the Shah told him I should tell my king if he want the answer, go to Washington and ask Henry Kissinger'. (00:22:50)

And the same strategy (23:44 - stop) that supplied the control of the price of oil in the world market in 1973 to increase the price and maintain the hegemony of the American power in the system where wars no longer supported it, the strategy was reversed in 1986. (00:24:03) In 1973 it served the purposes of Wall Street banks and the oil giants to have the 400% increase in the price of oil to stop industrial growth in developing countries and laid the basis for the third world debt crisis of the 1980s (24:38). And in 1986 it suited their needs to do the opposite, and there was discussion in the State Department between the Secretary George Shultz, Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush, the father and various others about convincing Saudi Arabia to drop the oil world market with oil pre.., oil ???, in order to collapse the price of oil. (25:26) And that collapse in the world oil price to below $10/barrel from around $30 in about a month indirectly led to collaps 3 years later of th Soviet Union. (26:03)

US during the 1980s insidiously manipulated events in the Middle East between Iran and Iraq to create that bloody painful war between those two countries in order to control the world oil markets (26:43).The United States manipulated after that Iran-Iraq war, manipulated the desperate and indebted Saddam Hussein to think that he could walk in and take the oil riches of Kuwait. That was a trap set for Saddam Hussein by the West. (27:21). And US ensuing (???) more against Iraq on the trumped up claim that he was threatening Saudi oil fields was the beginning of a new phase of direct US-Pentagon militarization with permanent bases of the entire Middle East region.(28:09). And 10 years later under a new President in September of 2001 a new phase in what we may call a series of oil wars was initiated called 'the War against Terrorism'. (28:42)

I leave it to you to entertain various theories of whether the 19 Arabs with no serious flying experience armed with box cutters could commandeer 4 commercial airliners in US air space including violating the Pentagon air space and go undetected by North American air defence for 93 minutes, and do the World Trade towers - 3 of them, by the way - and the Pentagon -- I'll leave it to you to entertain different theories, I don't want to talk about it. (29:39)
For the Bush-Cheney administration and neoconservative war hawks in the Cabinet such as Paul Wolfovitz it did not matter if Donald Duck had taken responsibility for World Trade towers - they were set on an agenda of War of Terror that would be directed against entire Islamic world from Afghanistan to Morocco (30:30). And the entire decade of the 1990s was consumed with a series of fervent and direct oil wars in Central Asia, Shevron moved in to grab the oil resources in (Tenges ???) in Kazakhstan, as well as British Petroleum in Baku with the Caspian oil riches. (31:13). US intelligence sent operatives into Chechnya to sabotage the possibility of oil flowing through Russian pipelines (31:49). And after 2000 US began to prepare using NGOs, so-called human rights non-government organizations that began to prepare the series of colour revolutions indirectly at Moscow, most importantly putting Saakashvili in Georgia and the Orange revolution in Ukraine in 2003-2004. (32:42) The aim of bringing Ukraine into NATO along with Poland, Bulgaria and other former Warsaw Pact countries that it brought into NATO - the aim with Ukraine was to control the expot pipelines from Russia to the West (33:26)

This is the background against which to judge the actions of then President Putin and the Russian government in arresting Mikhail Khodorkovsky of Yukos Oil. (33:57)

Khodorkovsky at the time of his arrest was in negotiations with George Herbert Walker Bush and the powerful investors in Washington tied with the Pentagon and the CIA of sending 40% of YUKOS Sibneft to American interest, Exxon or Shevron, and he was also in the process reportedly of buying the votes of Russian Duma to make himself the next President and also to change the raw materials law of Russia so he could privately oil and gas resource and pipelines. (34:52)

By the end of the decade the American establishment decided to shift tactics in terms of emphasis and instead of having the hard line Bush-Cheney aggressive administration they would put a softer, kinder, gentler face to the world named Barak Obama. (35:$6). And Barak Obama was master demagogue who was enacted President by the same special interest money that George Bush and Dick Cheney had been elected or installed - namely, Wall Street money , the military-industrial complex and oil. (36:32) The American leopard was changing its spots, but it was still a leopard. (37:02)

The first thing, or one of the first things President Obama began was escalating the war in Afghanistan because the focus was shifting - and a talk about reset of American-Russian relations because the priority was now becoming a containing the Chinese economic growth and influence. (37:28) The US military presence in Afghanistan has virtually nothing to do with controlling the Taliban or something called Al-Quaida, wherever that is, has nothing to do with Usama bin Laden who reportedly died 10 years before. It was a l?? building a series of permanent air bases throughout Afghanistan, in Bagram and elsewhere ??? these strategically at China and potentially Russia, (to) put military footprint right in the middle of Eurasia, controlled by the United States for the first time in history. In 2008 on the eve of my first visit to the Republic of China I researched the background of the events in Tibet when there were riots allegedly by Han Chinese businessmen against Tibetan monks in March of 2008 (39:55). And what I discovered in my research was that all the same non-governmental organizations involved in the colour revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine and elsewhere were also involved in the events supporting dalai-lama's demand for independence of Tibet. (40:28) I also found that an obscure foundation financed by an American millionaire and geopolitical operative named George Soros - and I mentioned the (Trace?) Foundation in my article. And the next day I flew to Beijing having sent the article to a political web site of a friend of mine in Canada and not thinking any more of it. (41:18) And in my article I essentially argued that the.. in my view the riots and incitements in Tibet were aimed at embarassing the Chinese on the eve of the summer Olympics in Bejing (41:53) and the beginning of a whole series of pin-prick provocations of the growing Chinese power by the United States (42:00) and NATO. And a year later in 2009 in Chinhwa (?) province which is a crucial crossroads for oil and gas pipelines between Kazakhstan and Russia and China as well as Chinese oil fields the same NGOs were active in creating riots (42:40)

In 2008 the Pentagon created an entire new command dedicated to the military control of Africa, the Africom (Africa Command) and the reason for that was a growing success of Chinese economic diplomacy across Africa getting long-term supplies of oil, gas and the raw materials for the Chinese economy. (43:30) The destabilizations that we've seen in the recent months the so-called 'Arab Spring' are part of this Africom strategy of regime change in parts of Africa and the Middle East to create a situation more friendly to the United States' long-term designs. (44:15) Muammar Kaddafi had many faults no doubt, but his main fault in Washington's eyes was that he didn't sing to the ??? sheet music that the Washington (was playing ???) (44:50) He had began to grant oil concessions to Chinese and Russian oil companies among others and he was attempting to organize a pan-African union, economic union that would be less dependent on the International Monetary Fund and the US pressures. (45:34) And at the same time almost unnoticed to the world US NGOs successfully broke off Southern Sudan and its oil riches that are the main source of oil supplies to China and created an independent Republic of South Sudan whose oil flows will very soon be going through Kenya rather than, as before, Sudan (46:15)

I just returned 3 weeks ago from extensive talks in Beijing with various think tanks and people in different positions and I assure you that they are well aware of this grand strategy of events in Africa and the Middle East is directed very much against Chinese economic oil security. (46:56) And I remind you the decision in Washington to violate every precept of the United Nations Charter and the international law by declaring war on Libya in March of this year was not made out of strength of the United States ??? in the world but out of fundamental weakness (47:50) And the weakness goes right back to the heart of the American system as set up at the end of the Second World War, namely the control of money through Wall Street, Federal Reserve and the US treasury. (48:27). In my new book 'The Gods of Money' that just come out in Russian language I detail the entire process of the increasing takeover of American policy and politics by a group of 6 major banks centered in Wall Street - Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan-Chase, Citygroup, Morgan-Stanley, Bank of America. (49:20) So far since 2007 more than 14 trillion dollars of taxpayer money and Federal Reserve balances poured into those 6 banking institutions - banks that are deemed 'to big to fail' (and I said they are too big to save ;)) ) And the result of that bank bailout has been the destruction of the American economy and the worst economic depression since 1930s (51:02)

In this global crisis we are in right now that I call 'epochal crisis', one that we see perhaps every 4 or 5 hundred years in history - in this crisis there is one alternative that certain elites, certain circles in Western Europe are looking at very nervously as a future option out of (?) the crisis, and that is Eurasia. (51:41) The role of the dollar as the reserve currency is the only thing that allows Washington to finance its wars against Russia, China and the nations of Eurasia including Iran (52:25) And the current crisis of Greece, the crisis of the Euroland was detonated deliberately by Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan-Chase, American ??? that sits on the Federal Reserve to the express thing (?) of preventing the Euro from replacing the Dollar as world reserve currency. (53:02)
??? European elites circles in my view - I'm talking about Germany and France primarily, and Italy - are schizophrenic regarding Eurasia and their relationship to Eurasia. They know, on the one hand, that any future growth in German, or French, or Italian exports will not come from American markets, North American markets, but from Eurasian markets, whether they be Eastern Europe, Russia, China, India. At the same time they fear a break with the Atlantic bridge with NATO, which is a US-controlled organization, of course, because of the awesome military power and blackmail (power) of Americans over Western Europe or the Eurozone countries. (54:42)

I see only one possibility out of this crisis for countries such as Russia, China, and ...... countries, as well as Western Europe, the Middle East and Africa - and that is a closer economic political and yes, military cooperation between the two great powers of Eurasia, China and Russia. (55:38) That combination will bring all of the countries of Central Asia with it as well as major allies in the Middle East oil-producing countries and also parts of Africa and that would literally transform the map of the world into a multi-polar world where such madness that we've see over the last years would no longer be operative. (56:33) There is an alternative to this cooperation of Eurasian countries that I just mentioned and that's the one that I personally wouldn't like to contemplate that is what the Pentagon calls 'Full Spectrum Dominance', control of land, oceans, space, our space and (???striker??) space by the US Pentagon war machine. (57:23).

As an American and speaking for what I feel the best interests of the American population as well as the rest of the world, I think we deserve better than a Pentagon-ruled one-world government.

Thank you. (00:58:09)
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