For those of you who haven't heard me stressing about this for a month, I'll start with some brief background info. My school offers an alternative spring break program to students that gives us a chance to work in well-respected "information" institutions for a week (I'm hoping to end up at the Smithsonian or the Library of Congress). Anyway, in order to do this, some serious fundraising is required. One aspect of fundraising was an SI talent show that family, friends, profs, and even the dean came to. I got roped into doing an Indian folk dance with some other girls, which was terrifying considering I've never been on a stage for anything other than playing an instrument. My group ended up having to go last, and I didn't think I was going to survive the stage fright. But I did it! I got through it and didn't make an ass of myself lol. I'm in such a good mood that I thought I'd share some of the pictures from last night. Nisha's little sister actually has some of my group dancing, so I'll put those up as soon as I get them.
Here I am with some of the performers in my group and other SI friends at Madras Masala for a dinner after our dress rehearsal:
And here are some after we all survived dancing!
I'll post more photos later, but I had to put something up while I was still in an excited, happy mood :o)