
Nov 24, 2007 15:20

Been a little while. I'm sitting in the basement of my apartment in Brooklyn on a bright, frigid day, trying to teach myself French. In a minute I'll probably go upstairs and have some of the mountains of delicious stuffing we still have from thursday.
Thursday was fantastic. Relatives: My sister Molly, her husband, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Uncle Steve, and Cousin Ann (who is in fact a relative, although no one can figure out how, exactly. Everyone just calls her Cousin Ann). Nonrelatives: Jan, a friend of grandma's who reports on various disaster-stricken parts of the world with one of the most absurd English accents I've ever heard; Steve's friend Jack; the ubiquitous Beth, who has been living with Molly and Fred for the last six months and who is so goddamn similar to my sister it's almost eery (both librarians, both basically winos, identical senses of humor) and... is that it? I think that's it. Cousin Ann and I had a long talk about feminism and how to account for the perceptual phenomenon of coincidence, which is totally the kind of conversation you can inadvertently find yourself having with her. She has this manner of speaking where her attention dilates and contracts without any warning. It is bizarre and it is awesome, and I definitely hope to see more of her over the winter break. Fred and I agreed to start a blog where we review movies from a Northeast and Midwestern perspective, with each of us representing our respective region (working title: Palitz and Jonson). Afterwards I ran around and drank with Geoff. Surprise!

This year has been shooting by, which is a blessing. The semester ends in two and a half weeks, and thank god of course, but that's still crazy, because I feel like two and a half weeks ago I was seeing M.I.A. on Coney Island or going to the stamp show with Molly or researching the Buffalo Soldiers for Annie at FSG. Which has a lot to do with my own attitude, I think. Boston has become paradoxically easier to manage now that I'm no longer actively trying to make it fun for myself. I wake up, think about flying toasters, and wait for the weekend. The fact that I'm able to stay so disassociated from what's going on around me and still maintain my GPA says a lot about the university.

On the other hand, thank god shit isn't more compelling. I've had time to 1. Start reading Finnegan's Wake 2. Keep relatively up-to-date on middle eastern politics 3. Make mixes for people 4. Keep tabs on the misadventures of my friends, in the time that academics would otherwise occupy. I think I'm gonna go see Frankie Bones tonight, give me a holla if you want to stomp around in Greenpoint with me.
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