I have this big pile of flyers and postcards and stuff on my desk, pending my putting their URLs online somwhere. These are SOS exhibitors whose worke impressed me who I wasn't already familiar with:
Bekka Teerlink:
http://www.bekkateerlink.com Large paintings of slightly surreal outdoor scenes. They look kind of like the cover for a YA fantasy novel you totally want to read.
Casey Girard:
http://caseyg.com Sculpey SF fetuses in jars, children's books, that alphabet poster with the animals. Site's kind of a placeholder, unfortunately
Daniel Maher:
http://www.dmstainedglass.com Elegant and witty stained glass art. Mostly comission work.
The Boston Figurative Art Center:
http://bostonfigurecenter.org/ including:
Paul Kroner:
http://paulkroner.com Amazingly versatile artist. Bold colors, some lovely zaftig nudes. Does great stuff on his iPad.
Damon Lerher:
http://www.damonlehrer.com/ who has some big, busy paintings that mash up Renaissance and contemporary aesthetics dazzlingly.
Resa Blatman:
http://www.resablatman.com Technically kind of similar to
rachelmello but with more bugs and fruit and flowers and those kind of creepy/lush still-lifey things
Emma Weisman:
http://www.emmaweisman.com Mostly 19th-century-looking ink drawings (she cites old dictionary illos as an inspiration) and some very cute cartoons. Source of my cool new silkscreened typewriter t-shirt.
Mark Luiggi:
http://markluiggi.com/Marks_Site/Home.html who I didn't get any swag from, but he's so awesome I remembered him anyway. Extremely stylish watercolor cartoons, many with a Victorian/Edwardian feel. I wish he had a book I could buy!