Internet Hate Machine. Some of you may notice this slogan from 4chan(.org) but I have found someone who fits it better!
I hope you took your happy pills this morning, because your going to need them.... Its a blog by conservative Christians who want some Brownback guy to become president, and even though they promoted him SO much, he backed out of the race.
Now if you dont feel like reading what these fuckasses have wrote, Ill give you a few key quotes to....enlighten you as to what our friends are up to over there on the conservative side of things.
The first thing i read on this sight was...
"A B4B reader, Arn Lewis, has a sick grandson who needs your prayers. Although Arn is a constant critic and nonbeliever, that makes no difference to us. Therefore I call upon the B4B faithful to show some Christian compassion and pray for this little tyke." There was some more shit that didnt matter, but what I want you to notice in here is the word compassion. Compassion is, according to, is "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it" So they understand this child/womans pain and want to lift it. Christians are supposed to be compassionate to the world. I dont know where it says that in the bible, but having gone to church all of my remembered life, I know they are supposed to love and be compassionate to the WHOLD FUCKING WORLD. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Sinners are people in suffering and we need to bring them to the light. Yaddie yaddie ya. This is the "compassion" these "christians" have to these "sinners"
"Go away and die, you worthless scumbuckets." (mature...) "Spammers need to be tortured and killed"
Allright, i though this was fucking great. Someone left the sight a comment that read "Nice design on, good info, thank you." and the admins on the sight only left the responding statement saying "Whatever, punk." because they though he wasnt being serious.
Back to more fucktardery quotes.
"No thanks, sicko. Do you wonder what your insides look like? I’d be happy to show you." Someone left a comment saying "Hi! Free pics of girls washing cars" and they said "Wow, what will they think of next? Girls doing needlepoint? Girls serving freedom fries?" Notice they said freedom fries. Wow, fucking looser!
" I hope you get carpal tunnel syndrome typing all that garbage. And I hope it’s fatal." Yeah, carpal tunnel in my hands is going to kill me, sure buddy.
Okay, you get the point.
Now all that was taken from their spam policy page, the actual blogs are worse, so read them on your own
One thing I do have to point out though, is the Aborted Fetus's Counter Since the Start of the Iraq War (i have no idea why i capped all that). Like some sort of fucking magical abortion fairy, they have counted every doctor approved and coat hanger abortion that has been performed since March 20th, 2003.
Epic Lulz be had
Now sorry if my thoughts seem discombobulated. Im tired. I mean fucking tired. So if you dont like how/what ive said. FUCK YOU!