I keep hearing the word “integrity” this week, even I have used it. Yet the people using it seem to be from different perspectives. I know what it means to me, maybe that is where I am being unrealistic. In my eyes, integrity is a combination of doing what is right over what is desired, and honesty. Honesty, not only with others, more importantly with oneself. It is also upholding morals and ethics one has chosen to follow. I believe ones values are the center stone of integrity. Yet, I now realize that values are different for each individual based on what path is chosen in their life. So this lead me to think there is much grey area within integrity. To verify my own thoughts I did some research.
Let’s look at the definition of Integrity. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
· Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
· Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
· Function: noun
· Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
· Date: 14th century
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values :
incorruptibility2 : an unimpaired condition :
soundness3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided :
completeness synonyms see
honesty Fascinating! I see the grey are immediately in #1. If we each choose a set of moral values and the defining point of integrity is within those values, then it seems to me integrity is pivotal. I am mildly disappointed in this realization. All this time I had considered integrity to be a consistent measure of principles, values, and actions.
The etymology of integrity, as noted above, is sourced back through Latin as being an integer. From working with numbers and data, I understand integers to represent a whole. #3 mentions it as a state of being undivided. By this, I am reminded that someone once said being in integrity is being true to yourself.
As a mother and wife, I wonder how I can be true to myself without considering the impact and ripple effect those directly impacted by my presence, specifically my daughters and husband. Since I have chosen to be a part of a family unit, then the integer no longer represents one, it now represents multiples as a whole, undivided. That translates to me that I should consider the impact to the rest of the whole. Should one drop out, the remainder continue to make the whole.
At this moment, integrity is no longer a consistency, instead it has transformed to theory. Yet, I still see the benefit to my life.
Theoretically speaking, integrity still holds the same truths for me as it did when I went down this road. At the same time I am reminded of the grey area and believe I should recall not everyone holds the same truths.