☀ 06

Mar 23, 2011 00:41


The Postman's dead. The Milkman appeared with a bunch of bears and froze everyone fighting, then the Postman showed up and... [he stops short, straining to get the words out midst a variety of emotions that he, up until now, hasn't felt - a mixture of frustration, white hot anger, and a queer sense of loss for someone who he hadn't even figured was on their side - someone who he had every reason to detest until now.] H-He - just couldn't...win. Before he died, he said we could have all of our stuff back. Powers, weapons, you name it - it's all at the Post Office waiting for us.

I'm getting my Pokemon back and I'm going to the Dairy again. If anyone wants to come with me, you can. For everyone else? [by that, he refers to Grady's goons.]

Stay out of my way.

[unlike his usual stoicism, it's cold and precise. he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but if someone doesn't extend the same to him or his friends, then so be it.]


[see that flying overhead? it's a goddamn dragon. on its back is Red, now dressed in his trainer's clothes and hat, hanging on as if this is the most natural thing in the world.

as one might expect, the direction the two are headed in is the Dairy.]
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