☀ 02

Dec 13, 2010 22:24

[Red isn't one to get in the way of things. for the past few days, true to his nature, he's been observing others - fellow captives, the drones, everyone - and though he's no more closer to getting his Pokemon back than he was on day one, he's feels content that at least he's learning more about the town. finding out that the supermarket wasn't so primitive that it at least sold rice, tuna, mayonnaise and spinach was especially pleasing.

he's been working in the kitchen for most of the afternoon, boiling pots of rice and shaping clumps into triangular balls. it's a little frustrating without a recipe to fall back on for occasional reference, but he's made onigiri so many times before that it's practically a ritual by now. it's a surprisingly cheap dish to fall back on when you're on the road.

by the time evening comes, he's already made more than enough. there's a large plate heaping with them on the kitchen table, no doubt intended for his new "family", and several more in a bowl that will find its way to the doorstep of 750 Partridge Drive. with the latter, he has enough foresight to slip a piece of paper underneath it with the words To Snowflake scrawled hastily alongside a crudely-drawn image.

later on, a phone call:]

Does anyone know how to cook with rice? I bought two bags from the store and there's still a lot left. I was thinking of making something else, but the only thing I know how to cook are rice balls.

[a beat]

I'll probably just make more. If anyone wants some, you should tell me. I had to use spinach leaves instead of seaweed because the market here doesn't sell any, but they still taste the same.

[at least he hopes they do. he hasn't tried any yet; too busy. hopefully he won't wake up tomorrow with dried rice and tuna smeared all over the front door.]
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