Jun 06, 2007 12:48
So the flight is booked, the cardboard box on yonge street is reserved, and I'm off to Toronto for several fun-filled days of debauchery and graduation! How much debauchery, you ask? Well, my father's former drinking buddy from University (Don Triggs) is getting the honorary degree. Now, if that isn't historical graduational debauchery, I don't know what is!!
Apparently, I also have a months' worth of work waiting for me when I get back, if I decide to do it. I know, I'm supposedly starting out as a photographer and possibly getting into some kind of retail or tour business, but it seems to be easier said than done. Especially when your commercial real estate broker goes out of their way to ignore your messages and emails (thanks Shawn!). Maybe this month of work will be exactly what I need to motivate me to get off my ass and git'r done. And maybe start paying for the plane ticket back to Toronto.
Anyways, I better quit being emo and do something with my life... Give me a shout if you're in TO and want to hang out sometime between Thursday and Wednesday, and we'll, like, do stuff.....