When it rains it pours.

Aug 24, 2007 03:03

So, in the past, oh 24 hours or so, here's what's happened to make my life a living hell:

1. TV stolen from Sigma Nu, Ace calls me and says "Find the information for the insurance company, ASAP" this requires me to dig through about 3 years worth of recipts, most of which are probably back at Knox.

2. Winds took out Knox. Do I have a school to go back to? WHO KNOWS! I guess nature basically said "Fuck you, Galesburg!" and rained down doom upon it.

3. Worked probably one of the worst days ever. People were just total bitches, today, and it pissed me off to no end.

4. I was reminded that I've still got to get all my shit together before I go back to school. This includes, but is not limited to: Calling the Passport people and begging them to expidite my passport, getting about a pint of blood drawn, packing all my things into boxes so they can be shipped back, packing up all the things I'm going to take on the train with me, kick my monologue in the ass, and probably cover some extra shifts at work (damn getting money is difficult)

5. Does everyone hate me? I feel like everyone hates me for some reason or another. Maybe it's just all the animosity at work. I think dealing with the little slice of society that buys slurpees with foodstamps has made me a little jaded. It would make anyone a little jaded. And already my manager's talking about "next summer" NEXT SUMMER!? God help me if there's a next summer.

Actually, my ideal "next summer" would be working at La Foret. I could make some pretty good money, and instead of trying to get a week or so off from work for camp and such, I'd be there already! Additionally, how awesome would Matt's 21st be if he dragged everyone he knew to La Foret for a weekend of getting drunk at a Church Camp. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ohhhh, that'd be awesome.

Though, now I'm thinking about what would happen if everyone I knew got drunk together, and that's sort of terrifying.

I mentioned that I might want to spend next summer at La Foret to someone, I don't even remember who it was, because I guess everyone would have the same reaction to me saying "Oh yeah, I'm going to spend a summer at a church camp". And it was, as one might assume "WHHAAAAAAAA???! *gaping jaw*" I'm not sure if that's a very fair assessment. Right now, I have no idea where I stand on faith. I used to be content in saying "I don't believe in anything." But, ever sine camp, I've felt the need for something more. There was one perfect spiritual moment at camp, and everyone who was there agreed, but we were in the chapel, the chapel that has been standing for almost 200 years, singing "This Little Light of Mine." I'd always remembered singing that in Sunday School, and then eventually it became a thing where I was just going through the motions, as it became with a lot of church-related things. I mean, I only went because I was the pastor's son...then when it became acceptable for me not to be there (read: I went through adolescence and had better things to do with my time) I stopped doing it at all. I don't know what it was, but just singing that song again...with people I had grown so close to: Counselors I had been close with before, Counselors I had just grown close to, and campers who amazed me in so many ways. It was just a really...awesome moment.

I'm not sure where this rambling is going...probably just to the fact that for right now, I believe in something. And I'm okay with that.

jay, faith, school, summer, snu, crap, la foret

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