OOC: Application

Nov 17, 2008 22:29

Character application for Viewtiful Joe:

Series: Viewtiful Joe
Series' Medium: Video Games

Character you're applying for: Viewtiful Joe
Character's role in their canon: Hero
Character's age: Exact official age unknown, for the sake of the game, 21 years?
Character's gender: Male
Character's "Real Name": Joe Black

How long have you roleplayed your character, if at all?: Never

Where have you roleplayed in general and/or with this specific character?: In general, at forums.bobandgeorge.com, as well as Damned more recently

Have you played the game/watched the movie or anime/read the book or comic, etc. that your character hails from?: I've beaten both main series games, Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2, and Double trouble, as well as some of the other spin-off, Red Hot Rumble.

Please give us a detailed personal history of your character: Joe was born to Jet and Junko Black, a projectionist and a famous actress respectively (also friends of the then-famous director/actor known for the Captain Blue movies, which also made Junko famous). However, shortly after Joe was born, Jet came under the influence of the "Black Film", which slowly corrupted his desire to show his son what a real hero is, and to be a role-model. It didn't affect him immediately, but gradually the quality of the films he showed declined, and he became estranged from his friend Blue. Meanwhile, Junko's career had declined, and when Joe was a small boy and his sister was a baby, she was still in a slump. Possibly as a result of her depression, one night while driving she ran off the road and was in an accident. She was in a coma for a time, and died without waking, leaving Joe and Jasmine to be raised by Jet. Despite the influence of the Black Film, Jet's enthusiasm for movies rubbed off on his son, and Joe grew up the action movies that Jet showed.

Years later, Joe was a on a date with his (frustrated) girlfriend, Silvia, to a screening of Captain Blue's last movie at his father's theatre, although he was unaware of his family's connection to the film. At the climax of the film, the villain defeated Captain Blue's giant robot, Six Majin, and reached out through the screen to kidnap Silvia. Six Majin, in turn, grabbed Joe and brought him into the film, where he was attacked by the evil organization, Jadow. Captain Blue appeared to Joe as a spirit and gave him a V-watch, with the power to transform into a hero like Blue. He gradually gained new powers and experience as he fought members of Jadow on his way to rescue Silvia, although he seemed to forget about her at times. It wasn't until after he defeated Blademaster Alastor, with whom he'd formed a fierce rivalry, that Alastor called his moves "Viewtiful", inspiring him to name himself Viewtiful Joe.

When he finally reached Silvia, he discovered that she was going to be sacrificed to help Jadow escape the old, forgotten movie reel and conquer the real world. This was because she was the daughter of the director, and therefore creator of the movie - Captain Blue himself. Furthermore, Jadow's leader reveals himself to be... Captain Blue! After being sucked into the movie 20 years earlier, he became corrupted by his omnipotence within the movie world, and bitter about the film, and those like it, being forgotten. Joe is devastated by this revelation, but stands up to Blue (calling himself King Blue), defeating him and making him come to his senses. After the battle, Blue reformed and reunited with Silvia. He then announced the world would come under threat 2 more times, and Joe would have to save it again, causing a UFO attack by snapping his fingers. When Silvia requested a V-watch, he gave her one, and she joined Joe.

When Joe and Silvia went to repel the aliens, Captain Blue was kidnapped and turned into a blue oscar, and the leader of the alien force (another organization, Gedow) explained that Captain Blue provided the happy ending for this movie, and so became a "Rainbow Oscar" - and other movies would provide other oscars. At this point, Joe's father appeared outside of the movie, to help Joe and Silvia by changing the film playing to help them find the other Rainbow Oscars and track down Gedow's leader and Blue. In each movie, after defeating the villain and ensuring a happy ending, they received another oscar, until all of them were stolen by an android that mimicked Silvia and tricked Joe into handing them over. They confront Gedow's leader and defeat his giant robot, Dark Kaiser, but he reveals himself to be Jet Black, using the power of a black V-watch to transform and enter the movie. Using the power of the Rainbow Oscars, he becomes yet more powerful and throws Joe and Silvia out of the movie, into the real world, emerging at an awards ceremony. At first, Joe and Silvia are powerless outside of the movies while Jet's possession of the oscars allows him to remain transformed. After fighting to defend the crowd at the ceremony, the cheering audience causes Joe and Silvia to regain their powers in the real world, and defeat Jet Black. Captain Blue is restored and explains how Jet's good intentions were corrupted like his, and Joe and Jet reconcile. Jet reveals that the final threat that will face the world is connected to the Black Film and black V-Watch.

Unfortunately, at this point the final sequel was never produced, but for the sake of the spin-off games, which both begin with new Captain Blue movies being filmed, we can assume the main plot was resolved somehow. Sometime after this, while filming a new movie with Captain Blue as the hero and Joe's little sister, Jasmine, as the heroine, the film is stolen. Joe and Jasmine work together to retrieve it from a new, female villain named Queen Heinderella. At first, Joe's powers don't work because they're in the real world again, but Silvia uses Blue's camera to record Joe, which restores them (but prevents her from helping directly). After defeating Queen Heinderella, it turns out it was Junko, who had returned to earth from heaven for one day, and wanted to see how strong her children had become.

Please give us a detailed description of your character's personality: Joe is a slacker and obsessed with movies, particularly B-level action flicks, and oblivious to pretty much anything else (even turning down his girlfriend's very... aggressive advances in the empty theatre because he's trying to watch the film). He's extremely laid back and flippant, even when his girl is kidnapped, although it's partly because he knows he's the hero and the hero always wins. He's always completely sure everything will turn out fine, and spends more time having fun fighting and showing off than worrying or even thinking about what he's doing. He's also not very smart, outside of movie knowledge, and is easily tricked (as shown when Miss Bloody Rachel impersonated Silvia in Viewtiful Joe 2, and he was instantly convinced by shameless flirting). He's also not totally 'loyal' to Silvia - he hit on Rachel while Silvia was right there, and his going out with girls behind her back was mentioned at the end of Double Trouble. He's very trusting, especially of "good guys" and the only time his optimism faltered was when he was betrayed by his hero, Captain Blue.

However, Joe has a strong sense of justice, and even when he's goofing around, he's fighting for what he thinks is right. He often seems like he doesn't care about anything but his ego, but he has a serious case of hero worship for Captain Blue, and wants to uphold justice and inspire others the same way that Captain Blue's movies inspired him. He also doesn't mind sharing the spotlight with his girl, as he happily teams up with Silvia once she becomes a hero (and is proud when she demonstrates she's also genre-savvy), and with his sister Jasmine at the end of Double Trouble.

Please give us a detailed physical description of your character: Joe has bright red hair with spikes sticking out a bit above his forehead, and down to his neck in the back (usually poking out from under a backwards baseball cap) and a small, red goatee. He's probably about average height (it's hard to tell with the art style) and physically fit.

What point in time are you taking your character from when he/she appears at Landel's?: Immediately after Viewtiful Joe 2, having saved his father from the Black Film, and right before investigating where it came from.

What kinds of magical/special/crazy powers does your character have, if any?: Using his V-watch, Joe can transform into Viewtiful Joe, a costumed hero with the power of... being a movie hero. Like any tokusatsu hero (think Power Rangers), he gets increased strength and martial arts skills, and "VFX" powers that increase his fighting ability. If he drains his VFX power too much, his transformation is canceled, but it quickly recharges.

His VFX powers are based on the video game player's perception and on movie effects, including Slow, which slows everything down (although Joe slows down less) and makes this more dramatic - punches and kicks are more powerful, explosion are larger and more devastating, and there are other odd effects (like rockets or geysers becoming more powerful). In addition, while slowed down, Joe's reaction time is increased, allowing him to more easily predict and dodge attacks, even punching bullets, literally, back to the gunman. Mach Speed actually allows him to move and attack quickly, or to move at regular speed while using Slow. While attacking at high speed, he can also create "after-images" that multiply his attacks (even attacking other targets simultaneously), or become covered in flames that will damage his opponent and, inexplicably, protect Joe himself from fire until he cools down again. Finally, Zoom, like Slow, is a matter of perception (zooming in the screen on Joe) and allows Joe to perform special attacks, like a mid-air spinning kick, or recover instantly from a blow that knocks him off his feat.

In addition, there are more powers in the spin-off games, particular using the DS screens for different perception-based powers. He can also use the V on his head as a boomerang. Also, it's not explained exactly how, but after recieving his V-Watch, Joe can enter a movie playing on a screen. He can normally only transform while inside a movie, but he's also been able to transform in front of a cheering crowd in the real world, and with a camera trained on him.

If present, how do you plan to tweak those powers to make him/her appropriately hindered in the setting of Landel's?: As much as I would like him to keep something, no V-watch equals no powers. Even if he had one, he would need to be in a movie (or one of the situations described above)

Does your character have any other non-magical skills or abilities that we should know about?: Joe's a capable fighter without his powers, and pretty genre-savvy about movies (it counts for anything).

How about improbable appendages?: Mmmnope. He's just Joe.

Please give us an idea of where you'd like to take your character within the scope of the Landel's Damned RP: Joe's going to try to find allies and help people, and probably try to "defeat" Dr. Landel rather than escape, since that's how he's used to things working.

What kind of psychological effect do you see Landel's Institute having on your character?: Joe won't take it seriously, even if someone tells him he's not in a movie. He might get a bit freaked out if he sees something really gruesome, but that'll only make him determined to "fix" this place. Mostly it'll be just another challenge, even without his powers.

Given that this RP takes place in an unsettling and outright horrific environment, how do you justify your character as being appropriate in both body and mind for this kind of setting?: Joe's a big boy and can handle himself. He's from a series that, while not very serious, is full of fighting and violence.

Third-Person Sample:

Joe woke up slowly, not remembering what he was doing when he fell asleep, but it was probably something important. At any rate, he rolled over again and tried to go back to sleep - it was too early for whatever he was supposed to be doing.

"Mr. Black, are you awake?"

He went back through his mind... he was with his dad, and they'd been fighting, but it had all turned out okay.

"Mr. Black, it's time to get up and meet the new the other patients."

It had been something about a movie... and oscars... and a black V-Watch. Wait, V-Watch?!
It all came back to him - how yesterday had been the greatest day of his life, receiving his V-Watch and becoming a movie hero. He'd saved the world - twice! And now there was another threat looming, that he and Silvia, and their dads had to stop!

"Mr. Black, I can see that you're awake, please come with me to the Sun Room."

Joe was a little confused as to who was calling for his Pops, but sprung off of the bed he was on, doing a backflip and landing on his feet, ready to fight - at least, that's what he tried to do. In fact, he launched himself off of the bed, and tumbled to the floor, bumping his shoulder in the process. Oh yeah, he couldn't do as many cool tricks without transforming.

A woman in a nurse's outfit helped him up immediately, and he got a good look at the room around him (also noting, fortunately, that it was a real woman - and not a bad-looking one at that - and not one of those Biankys in a nurse outfit. Now those were creepy). "Hey, am I in a movie again? I don't remember going to the dark castle, but that was in the real world, wasn't it?"

The nurse shook her head, "Don't worry, Mr. Black, you're here to get rid of those delusions and get better. So please try not injure yourself while you're here, okay?" She gave him an encouraging smile.

Oh, she must have been calling him Mr. Black... but did she not know he was a superhero? "Hang on a sec..." he stepped away from her and held up his right arm. "HENSHIN A- wait, what?" his V-Watch was gone! Without it, he couldn't transform, movie or no. "Dude, where's my V-Watch?" He looked over what he was wearing - his usual clothes had been replaced by a weird grey outfit with a smiley face. Not cool at all - he was wearing his favorite shirt, and he better get it back later. "Aw man, where's my stuff? How did I even get here?"

"Your family brought you here, so you can rest and get help. We don't allow the patients to keep their personal possessions, but I assure you we provide everything you'll need during your stay at Landel's Institute."

"My family? You mean Pops? But I thought he was good again, I don't understand. Is this some kind of hospital movie? 'Cuz I don't go for that kind of thing, and I don't think Pops ever shows those boring movies either."

With a sigh, the nurse led him out of his room. "Come along, Mr. Black, we need to get your mind off of movies and superheroes or you'll never get better."

First-Person Sample:

Woke up in a weird hospital today, can't find my V-watch, Silvia, or anyone else. If its a movie, its some creepy abductee thing, I think. The nurses seem to know who I am, but not that I'm a hero, which is crazy, right? One of the other people trapped hear said the nurses always lie, and it sounds like things'll heat up at night. I hope so cuz so far its a pretty boring movie.

