Dec 15, 2010 22:26
With all this talk of siblings I cannot help wondering how Cain would fit into all this. I feel as though I am fighting an uphill battle in regards to all of them. Abel has finally embraced his true feelings. Seth has made a good life for herself.
Azula and Cain however... I can almost feel my grip on them slipping constantly. Azula will heal in time though. Of that I am entirely confident. Cain... it's only a matter of time before I must fight him. I cannot help wondering what kind of future is in store for him.
Even if the best case scenario comes to pass, will he be able to live without himself after all that monster did in his name? My bright, passive younger brother... it is ironic that your fate would be the darkest out of the four of us. You were the one who spoke passionately to all of us about making a future where we could be accepted and loved as human beings and not... [...]
I will pray for both of them. Surely His plan for Cain cannot be so bleak. He deserves it far more than I do.
compassionate saint,
loves all her kids