It's been a while!

Apr 02, 2008 16:20

It's been a long, long, long while, since I've been here to say anything or check up on anyone. Why? Well partly because work has just been so hectic and I've been very tired. And because I've just not really felt like using the Internet a whole, whole lot.

But where to start on an update? Well.....I think my last update was around New Year's, from my icon, so let's start about there.

January was moving month for my boss and so I got a lot of hours from that. January was really a boring month. There's not much to really say about January.

February.....less boring. Same amount of hours for work and nice paychecks. I'll also mention that I finally got my wedding planning courses paid off too. I'm happy about that and now I only have the cell phone bill and gas to pay for and I pay up my cell phone like two months in advanced instead of one month. I think it was about then that I got the news that Alisha, Vladimir's mom, is having a boy. Disappointment on my end because I already have a nephew. I want a neice. But more on the baby news later.

February is Steven and mine's anniversary. Bitter disappointment. Why? Steven had surgery to remove the alien baby that's been lodged in his back for over a year. Mas disappointment. It's not an alien baby, but a lymph node thingy that gets clogged up because he refuses to eat right and take care of himself. Instead of spending our anniversary together we watch a damned UFC fight! And I messed that up because he honestly didn't want me to go, but I insisted because well....I have the right to on my own anniversary! Right?

Anyways....we don't make it up because he says that anniversaries and birthdays and holidays aren't important to him. I do make him suffer though. How.....I've aleady been withholding sex because he pisses me off for some thing always, somehow. So now...I let him know why he's been best friends with his hands for over a year. Mean right? Yes! It's what he deserves.

I know that men forget anniversaries and birthdays, Zane never knew my birthday or my middle name and I didn't even bother to tell him or make it known or cared that he didn't bother to ask, boy how you can grow in a few years time, but Steven knew and he didn't care. So....I didn't care that he can't remember what a good woman feels like in bed. Or he may....I have no idea. No one wants him anyway. I tried selling him, but not even for $.02 will anyone buy him from me.

So March. Yay! for spring! And somehow it's still cold a lot and it rains....a lot. My cat's boyfriend, Bear, likes to come outside again and that bothers me because I've almost run him over a number of times because he likes to run out from under my mom's car and right in front of my car. Aphrodite isn't a happy camper about him coming to talk to her and she pitched a few fits. She's a bitch.

So in March I've been getting a lot of hours because one of the girls at work, despite asking for hours, keeps cancelling on people and giving April and I hours. Whatever, more money in my wallet at the end of the week. I've also decided to go back to school hopefully over the summer or at least next fall, but go part time or do the wedding planning and you know the deal. I'm a bit tired of being poor.

The invitation to Germany is still open. Thinking about that less and less.

O! the baby news! I'm not getting a nephew again! I'm getting a neice! Yay! I really can't wait. She'll be so spoiled. And girl's clothes are so much cuter than boys clothes. She'll still be a tomboy though between Alisha and I. I'm more girly I think, but she'll still like football and baseball and getting dirty....hopefully.

Also...Vladimir is a leftie! I found that out when feeding him for kicks. He's a confirmed leftie. Steven's mom didn't know until I was like, "He's a leftie." Should leftie be spelled with a y? O journal, my spelling and grammar. So yeah, that's really cool.

I don't have work this week. That suits me just fine because I really was tired of being in there for two weeks without a break.

So what of this month? Hopefully....I have no idea. I'm just really tired of being bored. Maybe I'll run away to California and become a movie star.

leftiness, boring, cars, steven, baby news, work, invitations, anniversary, germany, cats, disappointment, zane, bored

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