I have no life.
:x: Piercings = none
:x: Tattoos = birthmark! none
:x: Height= 5'7"
:x: Shoe size = 9.5
:x: Hair color = brownish-blondish
:x: Siblings = younger brother
:x: Movie you rented = x.x Erm. It was a long time ago. I don't remember.
:x: Movie you bought = I got the Star Wars trilogy on DVD for Christmas and I picked it out. Does that count?
:x: CD you bought/burned = Outlaw Star OST
:x: Song you listened to = Indio - Noir
:x: T.V. show you've watched = Aishiteruze Baby, because I was playing it for con.
:x: Person that's called you = Mom. But I've answered the phone to several telemarketers all calling for my roommate since then.
:x: You have a crush on someone = no
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else = maybe a different dorm room. No, otherwise.
:x: You think about suicide = no
:x: You believe in online dating = I don't care what other people do with their relationships, so long as I don't really have anything to do with it. On that note, I'm really sick of people trying to hit on my poor little mithra. Leave her alone! She does not like you! Anyone who hits on me in-game is immediately on my "I want nothing to do with you" list. Ha, bet you wish you'd kept those macro-emotes to yourself now, don't you?? /stab
:x: Others find you attractive = um, I dunno? Do I look like "others" to you? >.>
:x: You want more piercings = no
:x: You like cleaning = ...occasionally, I'll get the urge to organize all my papers. I like sorting paper. I don't know why.
:x: You like roller coasters = yes!
:x: You write cursive or print = Both. At the same time. Yes.
For or Against:
:x: Long distance relationships = dun care.
:x: Using someone = against
:x: Suicide = ...against
:x: Killing people = against.
:x: Teenage smoking = smoke makes me not be able to breathe. I'm against it all in general.
:x: Driving drunk = agaaaaainst
:x: Gay/lesbian relationships = for. Again, I don't care what people do with their relationships, so long as they leave me out of it.
Have You:
:x: Ever cried over a girl =
:x: Ever cried over a boy = - answer to both - yes, there have been times I've been so worried about someone that I've cried.
:x: Ever lied to someone = yes
:x: Ever been in a fist fight = when I was younger, my brother and I would fight a lot when our parents weren't looking...
:x: Ever been arrested = no, but once I was pulled over for several minutes by airport security in Boston. My camera was a bomb! Only not. Then they wrote it up as being my shoes. I was confused.
:x: Shampoo do you use = green bottle brand. Name? I don't remember. It's spelled funny, and I'm too lazy to go get my shampoo bottle to find out how.
:x: Shoes do you wear = sneakers
:x: Are you scared of = things coming up behind me and attacking me (random paranoia! I get really freaked out in the dorm hall late at night when no one else is up and it's quiet and the other end of the hall is far away and dark); I have ...somewhat mild demophobia (fear of crowds); spiders freak me out... If they're in my personal bubble (if they're outside my "anti-spider radius" I couldn't care less).
:x: Of times I have been in love? = zero
:x: Of hearts I have broken? = zero, I think
:x: Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = my friends are almost all complete flakes. -_-; Maybe two.
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = hm. Counting honor roll listings? At least 20, I think, because of all the community service my GS troop did/does.
:x: Of scars on my body? = major scars? (Bellybutton! XD) About two. Small, like chicken-pox, scars? A lot. Because I had chicken pox bad.
:x: Of things in my past that I regret = ...many. But I try not to think about it most of the time.
Do you think you are:
:x: Pretty = not especially so.
:x: Funny = not really.
:x: Hot = no
:x: Friendly = I'll be civil to someone unless I'm given a direct reason not to be. Though I'm very shy in real life. I talk much better with writing than with speak. Maybe I was supposed to be mute. ...Except then I'd not like signing words, either. I generally find I'm much more honest when I'm writing. (See, for example, I would never actually say that out loud, but I can write it just fine.)
:x: Ugly = no. I'm average. So there.
:x: Loveable = not really
:x: Caring = yes, but I show it in really, really seemingly non-caring ways.
:x: Dorky = hi, gamer here. Duh.
:x: 4 letter word: nerg (What do you mean sound effects don't count?)
:x: Actor/Actress: ..........um? Me no know.
:x: Color(s): Blues! Also, darker reds, black, grays, purples, greens... The "cooler" end of the spectrum, mostly.
Person who last:
:x: Slept in your bed: me!
:x: Saw you cry: uuum, me? I don't think my roommate noticed. Hm. My mom?
:x: Made you cry: stress. It couldn't really be attributed to one person, they were just the final push that toppled me.
:x: Yelled at you: If by "yelled" you mean "nagged," Mom. If otherwise, erm.... Probably the father, since he's the one who yells most. I've not really been yelled at recently.
:x: Sent you an email: word-a-day. That's seriously the only thing I ever get email from. This makes me sad. Alas! If only people cared of my existence! I shall angst to music and wear black and be fake goth now. Only not. ...Though I do like my black pants. I could do a whole rant on that goth thing, but I'll refrain.
Have you ever:
:x: Said "I love you" and meant it?: "love" isn't a word I use. It's overrated by society, for one, and, no, I've never actually been in love, so... Yeah, no. Whatever that means.
:x: Kept a secret from everyone: yes
:x: Cried during a movie: uuum, I don't think I have. Though I don't watch a lot of movies, and the ones I do watch are action movies or brain-breakers.
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide: TV = {No thanks}. No, I don't believe I ever have. ...ew. Television. ....soap operas... *shudder* Evil roommate.
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex: not really. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been different, though.
New subject, since the line is missing. Evil.
:x: What time is it now?: *points at clock* that one!
The subject-change line seems to be missing here, too. Oh, look! I made one up!
:x: Apples or bananas?: fruit = good. Except oranges. Those make me kinda sick.
:x: Blue or red?: blue! Though darker shades of red are very nice, as well.
:x: Walmart or Target?: Target
:x: Spring or Fall?: ...both? ^^
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: homework...
:x: Last noise you heard?: type-y type-y type type type *cough cough* type
:x: Last smell you sniffed?: cough drops. coughdropscoughdropscoughdrops. My mouth tastes like a cough drop and my tongue and lips are cough-drop colored and I can smell cough drop everywhere and I don't even have one right now. I'm so sick of cough drops. I'm almost out of the things, too. This cough should go away now.
:x: Last time you went out of state?: You mean out of my home state? Because that's where I am now. Oh, look, college! Um, yeah. About a month ago was the last time I left the state I'm currently in, though.
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: Lust, yes. I kinda think you need to know a person before you can love them.
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Children... no. Screaming things. Keepsh it awaaaaay, precious.....
:x: Most important thing to you in a friendship is?: being comfortable around each other
Other Info:
:x: Criminal record?: see story on camera/shoes and airport security above. They wrote up a file on me. Don't think that counts, but, yeah, closest I got.
:x: Do you speak any other languages?: ...Latin? ...and Al Bhed. I picked that one up by accident.
:x: Last book you read: The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn
:x: Who you love: friends and family (assuming we only mean real people here =P)
:x: How old do you look?: ...like I'd know? I look as old as I do. I'm a bad judge of that. Stop asking me about physical appearances.
:x: How old do you act?: good question. Um, no specific age. A range, maybe. Let's say... maybe anywhere between 12 and... 27? I don't know. How do you "act" a certain age, anyway? My great-grandmother is 100 (and, no, she is not senile) and my cousin is 7 and that person in my class is 21, and they all act alike. I mean... Who's to say?
:x: Pets?: one cat, one dog.
:x: What makes you happy?: music; exploring; reading or watching (or playing) something with an interesting cast and storyline that makes me think, and that I can continue to dwell on for days or weeks and just keep turning the story and ideas in it over and over in my head; reading (in general); talking one on one with a friend; sitting somewhere and staring at the weather (wind, rain, shadows)...
:x: I Wish...: for a lot of things. For example, one really petty thing I wish is that lj would allow more icons. Even one more would be nice. ...Not that I, you know, obsess over icons or anything.
Have You Ever:
:x: Thought you were going to die: once or twice. First was a very, very scary taxi driver in California. She nearly drove us into the bay once, couldn't read the road signs, nearly drive off a bridge, went into the wrong lanes, and took an hour to drive around the block. At that point, I fell asleep randomly (and wasn't aware I'd been sleeping when I woke up) and was woken up when we finally arrived about two hours later. Apparently, she only got worse.
:x: Wanted to Run away: yeah, in, erm, second grade? I remember actually leaving the house once. It was raining and I hid under the pine trees by the driveway for some ridiculous amount of time.
:x: Flunked a grade: no, but I audited Algebra II in 11th grade.
:x: Ran away: no, unless simply leaving the house counts. Never actually left the property
:x: Skipped a grade: no
:x: Moved: no
:x: Attempted to commit suicide: no
:x: Thought about it: not seriously. Have thought - gee, wonder what it's like to do that? -and- If I were to commit suicide, I wouldn't go for the wrist-slashing thing. No. Hm.. How would I, then? ....I have strange thoughts sometimes...
:x: Been arrested: no
:x: Gotten drunk: no
:x: Been in jail: no
:x: Contacted the police: yes, and then we (GS troop) ended up helping them catch a wanted man. We're a very ...atypical troop, aren't we?
:x: Been in love: no
:x: Been in lust: no
:x: Smoked: no. Just the smell of it makes me want to vomit.
:x: Drank: had a sip of my mom's beer once when I was... seven? Oh, it was nasty! Then, on New Year's Eve (entering 2000), Mom nearly forced some champagne down my throat. Again, nasty.
:x: Been suspended: no
:x: Stolen Anything: I think I might have a few times when I was younger. Then my best friend of four years stole something from me and then lied to everyone about it and then never spoke to me again. Since then, I've been rather anti-stealing.
:x: Cheated On A Test: not in recent memory. Probably a few when I was younger. ...My only real, vivid memory of cheating was when I wasn't cheating. We had a spelling test when I was in third grade (I was in the advanced spelling group!) and the two or three of us in the group went into a different area to test, since we had different words. The person (the mother of one of the other people in the group) would read a word and, occasionally, when I wasn't sure exactly how to spell it, I would glance over at the wall to think about it. She told me to stop looking at her daughter's paper. ...Then I aced the test and her daughter didn't, and I felt better.
:x: Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend: never had one =P
:x: Been In The Hospital: visited. Actually, was born in one. Haha! Was in an emergency room-thing once when I split my lip open and had to get stitches. That hurt.
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder: no, but would let someone
:x: Fell asleep in the bath: no. Came really close a few times, though.
:x: Gone to Church: yeah
:x: Never slept during the night: yes
:x: Been on a hike: yes
:x: Been to camp: yes
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving: yes
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week: when I was younger? Sometimes. Not anymore.
:x: Broken something valuable: dollar-value wise? No.
:x: Been in a tornado: no, but the silly voice in the back of my head thinks it would be exciting and wants to see one someday. I want to see the sky turn green!
:x: Knew you were in love: no
:x: Streaked in the streets: no
:x: Been Skinny-dipping: no
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah
:x: Been in a fight: yes
:x: Been hurt by someone you loved cared about: yes
:x: Been attacked: not physically.
:x: Stayed on the phone for over 3 hours: um, once or twice I think, yeah.
Check off all that apply:
[ ] - I’ve been drunk
[ ] - I’ve kissed a member of the opposite sex. (Not counting parents, here...)
[ ] - I’ve kissed a member of the same sex.
[ ] - I’ve kissed a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] - I’ve regretted having sex with someone.
[ ] - I’ve cut myself on purpose.
[ ] - I’ve smoked pot.
[x] - I’ve been in a fist fight.
[ ] - I’ve had a threesome.
[ ] - I’ve been arrested.
[ ] - I’ve made out with a stranger.
[x] - I’ve lied to a friend.
[ ] - I’ve had sex.
[ ] - I’ve skipped school.
[ ] - I’ve been dumped.
[ ] - I’ve shoplifted.
[ ] - I’ve been in love.
[ ] - I’ve had sex with more than one person within a week.
[ ] - I’ve slept with a co-worker.
[ ] - I’ve thrown up in a bar.
[ ] - I’ve gotten someone drunk just to sleep with them.
[ ] - I’ve gone to a prom.
[x] - I’ve been to a concert.
[ ] - I’ve dated someone for more than a year.
[ ] - I’ve slept in the nude.
[ ] - I’ve had morning sex.
[ ] - I’ve done hard drugs.
[ ] - I’ve been a house-sitter.
[ ] - I’ve cheated on someone.
[ ] - I’ve been cheated on.
[ ] - I’ve made a wish, and meant it.
[x] - I’ve said goodbye to someone close to me.
[x] - I’ve tied my shoes.
[ ] - I’ve signed something formal.
[x] - I’ve been very angry.
[ ] - I’ve kissed someone.
[ ] - I’ve had sex.
[ ] - I’ve thrown up.
[ ] - I’ve gotten paid.
[ ] - I’ve gotten a new job.
[ ] - I’ve felt seriously scared for my life.
[x] - I’ve gotten a present.
[ ] - I’ve had a fight with my parents.
[ ] - I’ve stolen something.
[ ] - I’ve burned something down.
[ ] - I’ve taken pictures for someone else.
[x] - I’ve bought something I didn’t need.
[x] - I’ve missed someone.
[x] - I’ve hidden my real emotions.
[x] - I’ve gotten bored of this.
I'm so boring. ...But that's a good thing.