Hm. First; it has been snowing now for over 48 hours. That's a lot of snow. I'm betting I won't have classes tomorrow. ...I wonder if that means no Otaku Club, either. That would be bad, because con is very, very soon and we need all the planning time we can get.
The wind is beginning to bother me. It's very loud out there... If I could see outside the window, it might not bug me as much (um, the snow has been plastered against it, see, so you can't actually look through the window. All you see it white. I can almost see out of my roommate's window. All I can see is a lot of moving white stuff. It took me a moment to realize her window wasn't coated.)
Moving on...
I've realized I can actually refer to all of my Original Universe (OU!) characters by the letter of their first name, because I haven't repeated a letter yet. This rather impresses me, because I'm noticed I have a tendency to use certain letters too much and not use others at all. I'm really rather proud of having someone who's name starts with a Z, even if I'm not entirely sure if it's really her given name. It's what everyone calls her and how she refers to herself. Ergo, it is her name.
In the MW universe, I've been thinking (again) about elements, magic, the realms, the university, and the like. University really needs a name, unless I decide University is actually going to be the name, but that would be really, really stupid. I'm very bad at naming things. I realized, with some surprise, that most of the "main" characters don't act stereotypical of their element. M, fire, is very level headed, quiet, and while she's not exactly anti-social, she's not going to go party, either. C acts like the stereotypical pyro, actually. Only she, you know, actually makes mistakes, instead of always being right all the time. Wait, sorry, that's not actually stereotypical. It's just me being cynical.
K is just erratic. I guess you could argue it would fit with lightning (which is K's sub element), but I'm afraid I've never really seen lighting characterized (that sounds so silly to say!). So who knows? K certainly does not fit stereotypical dark. Well, my idea of what that would be anyway. I just assume people would equate it with "goth." K's not goth. Black clothing does not a goth make. Plus, it's not all black. Mostly I just wanted to say that...
A actually does mostly fit the "light" typecast. But then, originally I had her set as stars. So, hrm. I don't even know why she went and moved on me. That happened during the long time where I shoved this whole world back into the dark corners of my brain and mostly told it to leave me alone forever a long time. It went and rewrote (and organized!) itself. It also came up with its own plot. I wish I knew how it did that. I'd start shoving everything back into that corner if I did.
S acts nothing like I'd "expect" Earth too (that's mostly M, there). S is bubbly and outgoing and not down-to-earth at all! (ahahaha, pun. I are funny.)
I don't know how to personify water, either. So, I can't really talk about J. Only, I don't think J acts like "water." If only I could explain what I meant by that, right?
Also, note to self: B's life is miserable enough as it is! Stop abusing her even more! It's bad enough you're starting to think of making R have to kill Z, could you not have B lose everything else? Timeloops have no place in SR, anyway. Bad brain. Stop it.
...My internet is really flaky these days and it's annoying.