Back in Tampa FL

Dec 30, 2013 21:27

NY didn't work out due to being so damn expensive to live by yourself that it was impossible. . . and since no one I knew wanted to move up there with me. . . I didn't go. So, I waited and now Tampa FL opened up for me, not as a biomedical technician, but what I was doing in NM for the same company. I just transferred to the FL office. Not my desired job, but my number one location. . . well, as of now use to be my number one location. No body on the Tampa Furs Yahoo Group is responding to any of my posts. Says there are 43 members, but no one is peeping.
And as a result of no one responding, I was forced to live with a person who just used me as a masturbation toy. I knew this was coming (no pun intended) when I signed up to live with him til I find a place of my own for me and my grandmother, but damn it is much faster than expected. And instead of telling him to leave me the F*!@ alone, I'm in self preservation mode and will submit to pretty much anything to keep him from feeling like he made a mistake by letting me stay here. Obligations suck.
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