Dec 08, 2006 12:07
well, i just remembered that i actually DO have a livejournal... and, since i remember it... i might as well post in it :) hrmmmmm les see here... what to say? what to say?
well, school = not going so well this semester, ended up dropping all but 2 classes... one of which was because it wouldnt allow me to drop it >.< and the other was because im actually passing that one as far as i know ^.^ .... but, that was at OCC ... currently i am planning on going to schoolcraft to start in on a culinary degree next semester. hopefully that goes well!
homelife is ok, still living with my parets *sigh* ... it's necessarry due to financial restraints and such, so i can deal with it... but i really really really really really want a place of my own, or mayyybe, some friend(s) to share one with.
love life? essentially, figure it as there being none. the occasional cuddle here and there (which, i am always up for) have become less and less frequent due to those people being either, already taken and un-cuddle-able, too far away, or posssssibly getting the wrong expectations out of cuddling with me :( but! that's ok, i am *decently* happy where i am right now with it, even though i would adore having a relationship again, seeing as how i kinda miss having a real relationship like that with someone. any takers?? hehehe just kidding... ... or am i? OoOOOOOooOOOoo
mental state? better then it was a while ago. i had my bouts of depression and bleh times, but, i am thankfully over with those and back to being what most people would probably consider being the "real me". which, is a very good thing because i can once again laugh, smile, and be generally in a good mood for real, not that fake stuff i do to hide insecurities or saddness from those i care about... that becomes annoying having to do, and i have basically decided to not do it again unless absolutely necessarry.
as far as my employment is concerned, i am still at Papa Romano's ... the place that i hate with such a burning passion that i can barely stand to be there for 4 minutes without getting pissed off at being there (and i dont get angry easily most of the time) .. but ... since this month is kinda hectic with days off and stuff, i am going to bolster my defenses... try to get as many hours as i can in this month of december... and hopefully work on getting some money for the upcoming month since... i have becometh broketh. starting january it is definitly job hunting time with no procrastination... assuming that i can quell my ever so ready talent of procrastination that is... ...
well, that be me current life in a nut shell... or... possibly a coconut shell, we haven't quite figured out which one it is... but since i dont really like coconut, we shall assume that its a nut, and leave it at that.
as a sidenote, i miss getting emails from things that arent trying to sell me something, or get me to join the army (something that i have considered, but doubt i reall will look into).... ... ... so... someone should send me some love via the internet mail box.
ooohhh yea... for those that dont know and would lke to talk to me on AIM, my old screenname hishikiroda doesnt work anymore for some reason, so i have reverted to one of my alternates bitemytummy feel free to IM me and say ello!
now, after this long ass thing that i have typed... i have to figure out what the hell i am going to do with the rest of my day before i have to work at 4pm. if you will excuse me i think i am going to draw and possibly work out afterwards. good day, and may you never spill pop on your pants and then walk outside when the wind blows strong!