Sep 01, 2004 14:11
sooo... you know what is one really annoying thing??? when the internet doesnt work! i tell ya! and it took people a week to figure out that i simply have to buy a new network card and then TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! it is there! arg the networking people and their lack of being there when i call!
anyways... college is goin alright, im meeting a couple of new people and even have my eye on a girl or two (but dont tell them... i dont think they realize it... which is kinda funny.), but either way, my rommate seems really cool and we have yet to have any problems... pete is doin great and so far i have not been kicked out becuase of him, and as far as i can tell... classes are gonna be pretty decent, especially my riding class.... REALLY think im gonna like that one.
so yes, that is the main point of this entry... MIA this next part is for you:
first off you need these things;
1.) hotdog
2.) you
3.) dog (preferrably live... and the younger the better, although it will work on older dogs... simply may take more time.
4.) patience
ok, so this is basically teaching your dog a game called "take it or leave it.
1 - take the hotdog (non-frozen) and cut it in half.
2 - hold it in your fist as you would a knife handle or bar, and make sure that the part where the other half was removed from (basically the insides) are facing your thumb.
3 - use the tip of your thumb to gouge out a small peice of the hotdog and have it sitting on the tip of your thumb, make sure that it is visible to the dog.
4 - coax your dog into taking the peice of hotdog MAKE SURE to use the words "TAKE IT" somewhere in the coaxing and also be sure to use a nice tone of voice and all that good stuff.
5 - allow the dog to take the peice of hotdog from your thumb. generally the dog will then smell the half hotdog in your hand and attempt to take it from you. at this point you MUST take your fist and basically jam it (your fist) into the dog's nose. you want to do this with enough force so that the dog feels it and feels a small amount of pain... but not soooo much so that you break skin or bone. WHILE DOING THIS STEP YOU MUST DROP THE TONE OF YOUR VOICE AND YELL "LEAVE IT!!!"
6 - if your dog goes after the hotdog in your hand again then repeat step 5. if the dog sits down and waits for you to do something then you may take another peice of hotdog and place it on your thumb and repeat the process.
7 - once you have used up the half of the hotdog then stop for the day... start up the next day and do the same thing.... but only do this once a day... and only in one sitting.
eventually you can test this out by placing peices of hotdog on the floor or somewhere where your dog can see them. you can sit there and watch TV and such and just let your dog salivate at the hotdogs and then you can tell it to "take it" and point to one specific peice of hotdog onto the ground. if the dog does take that peice only and sits down and waits... then it has learned the "game" and you now have a more obedient dog who should listen to you whenever you say "leave it"... otherwise if it tries to go for more peices... you have some training to do.
this should work with most dogs... im not saying defineitly it will, but if you stick with it and such then you should be alright. if you have any questions then please feel free to email me.
talk to you later!