Application for star_kingdom

Sep 03, 2011 01:18

Player info
Your Name: Sabi
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever:
E-Mail: radiantwish/gmail
AIM: heartrebelling
Plurk: starsvanished
Livejournal: pleione
Your age: 28

Character info
Series/Fandom: The Princess and The Frog
Character's Name: Tiana
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age: 19-21
Canon point: Post-Movie Ending. She's a Princess. She has her restaurant. She has love.

Tiana has no known superhuman capabilities. She's just your average, hard-working African-American living in the 1900's era of New Orleans, LA. The only experience she has with the supernatural is the fact that she was turned into a frog after the effects of a spell placed a prince morphed her into one upon kissing him.

That isn’t to say she is completely useless, however. One of Tiana’s strongest abilities is her advanced knowledge in the culinary arts. It was a natural gift flourished by her father’s encouragement and skills. She’s able to figure out what is needed in a dish just by giving it a taste test and can transform it into a masterpiece within minutes. Even when turned into a ‘slimy’ frog, this ability doesn’t stop there.


Her most noteworthy strength is the fact that she's a talented cook. Able to whip up creations quickly thanks to years of learning. She's capable of fixing a boring gumbo and turning it into a masterpiece and using the bare minimum to make something delicious. She could probably even make something out of a papou fruit if given the chance. She's also very patient and able to multitask flawlessly, delivering hot cakes and even ice cream to everyone within record timing. It's why her job as a waitress often comes so easily for her. She can balance many dishes at a time without dropping a single one and known for getting things out quickly and efficiently. Somehow she manages to do this while maintaining a high abundance of energy even though she often gets no more than an hour or less worth of sleep.

Her headstrong will is not without its flaws, and Tiana has been known to ignore everything in favor of work. When she really puts her mind to something, everything else is often seen as obsolete. So love, friends, and even hanging out is put aside in favor of work, work, work. All work and no play makes Tiana a dull girl, but she's fine with that and seem comfortable with it so as long as her dream is fulfilled. She eventually learns that it's possible to balance these things without giving up her life goals, but it's not hard for her to slip up and often forget the important values of life when there's something she really wants to do.

Background: 'She is my Evangeline'

Tiana brings a different charm to the table that sets her apart from the other princesses, a quality that breaks the traditional mold of beautiful damsel in distress by setting her in a modern world with a good head on her shoulder and no royal background already lined up for her. She isn’t a withered little flower or a beautiful singer surrounded by animals. No, she’s a hard working young woman struggling to make ends meet in a world where she’s constantly facing both economical, gender, and even racial barriers while reaching for her dream.

There are very few words that can describe this woman: determined, independent, and very self-motivated. She breaks the traditional rules for what a princess is by setting out and doing something with her life rather than sitting around waiting for Mr. Right. She’s a woman who believes hard work and patience is all someone needs to get the things they want out of life. This of course changes towards the end of the movie when she realizes a balance can be achieved, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she believes anything can be done if someone puts t heir mind to it. Anything is possible so as long as the person strives for it.

Even with so much on her plate, Tiana is still a very compassionate person. While hard at work as a waitress, she’s able to pause and give concern to her customers by going above and beyond what her job expectations are, making her customers very happy by putting a smile on their usually frowning or groggy faces. While normally short-tempered for those who are selfish or undeserving of things, she can easily overlook a person’s bad qualities if they show even the smallest sign of having a good heart. She’s by no means a sweet and innocent woman and isn’t blind to someone’s own foolishness, but she is able to listen and make her own judgments based on what she learns.

Living in an age where women of her background are still not regarded as equal individuals, it makes it even harder for her to accomplish the things she wants. This means having to develop a thick skin for situations that would normally break a woman of her status down. Even when the realtors tell her that they were unable to sell her the property due to a higher bidder, it doesn’t stop her from at least still pushing for it ( or in her case making a wish that ended up putting her in a messy situation ). Even when transformed into a frog, that strong-will helps her through quite a number of situations like avoiding hungry crocodiles to even evading hunters.

But overall, Tiana carries the same trait that every princess has--compassion. If not for compassion, waitressing would be a nightmare and friends like Lottie would be an annoyance. She doesn't see it that way, she instead finds them all to be pleasant and does whatever she can to make them happy. Whether it's serving up a hot meal or offering a listening ear, that one trait makes her a princesses mostly at heart.

When it comes to overcoming obstacles, Tiana does this flawlessly. Tiana is very passionate about her goals and when she wants something she does it come hell or high water. She’s able to ignore her own stamina in favor of hard work and can push herself past exhaustion if it means getting an extra bit of money for her restaurant.

While not necessarily a good thing, this can be seen as strength in a way simply because she’s capable of ignoring her body’s needs and still look as though she was refreshed in the way she carries herself. Her smile and cheery demeanor would never give a single hint that she had only an hour (or something a minute’s) worth of sleep. Determined to make this come true, she pushes herself to working several jobs at a time in order to save up the necessary amount of money to open her business. Hell, she'll even kiss a frog if it means getting closer to her dream. And given how much she hates the idea of it, that certainly takes a lot of strength to overcome your worst nightmare of a fear.

She’s incredibly intelligent, able to figure out what she needs to do in order to run her business without attending college. Quick witted enough to get herself out of dire situations by crafting boats or fooling hunters while in her amphibious form.

While it's a fantastic thing to want to strive for something, it often leads to her ignoring a lot of other things. She lacks the ability to maintain balance and appreciate the other aspects of life such as friendship, having a good time, and romance. To her, none of that is important to her, the only thing that matters is getting her restaurant. And while that isn’t exactly bad, per say, it comes at the price of lacking a social life and almost missing a chance at love. It's kind of like a college student who ignores food in favor of studying.

While she eventually opens up and realizes that it's possible to balance her career and love life, that isn't to say the trait itself doesn't still exist. Tiana will and can push herself above and beyond her limits to get things done as demonstrated in her day to day life work schedule. If unnoticed, she can work herself into a frenzy and literally ignore everything else around her in the process. She's a lot like her father in that aspect. Works real hard hours at a time sometimes without any sleep, but manages to come out smiling while hiding the exhaustion in favor of seeing a new day.

Too much of a good thing is not always good.


Here, here, and here.

RP Sample:

Just when everything was going her way, life took an unexpected nosedive and decided to take it all away. Her restaurant, her family, and even her beloved husband. Everything she had come to love and appreciate was gone within just a blink of an eye. And after a period of utter and complete darkness, she was more than just a little confused when she found herself waking in a setting entirely different from the world she once knew.

"Where... where am I?" She murmured quietly while standing to her feet, threading back a loose raven lock behind an ear while wandering about aimlessly looking at all the unusual buildings and neon lit signs that were unfamiliar to her completely. It was like waking up in an unusual dream but troubled to find out that it was actually reality. Her eyes were wide with alarm but she kept herself as calm as one can be in a setting as confusing as this one. She placed her back to the wall and looked left and then right, then placed a hand on her head while mentally flipping through her memories. “I … I don’t remember leaving the restaurant at all.” Tiana concluded quietly as she recalled her last memory, the smile of her husband who was just about to reward her with an evening kiss.

And then it hit her. "Naveen?" Was she here all alone? "Naveen, are you out there?" She called out again, moving away from the wall to wander even more in search of her husband until she finally stopped somewhere in the middle of the town. “They’re all gone.” She was alone. It was one thing to be lost and confused; it was another when you realize you were going through it utterly alone. But crying did no good here, not when it wouldn’t bring her back her friends. And while a few tears did manage to slide across her cheeks, her expression suddenly hardened.

Whether it be fate or a cruel joke, crying wouldn’t resolve anything. There were people important to her that needed to be found. One way or another, she was going to solve this mystery herself and find a way to get back home. All she needed was some idea, a clue, or maybe even a...


Tiana made a bit of a face. That was one sound she wasn’t prepared for. "Kupo?"


That louder alert to garner her attention made her eyes lower to the source. She jumped just a little at what she saw, startled to find a the tiniest moogle at her feet staring at her with interest with a friendly smile. Except, well, she didn’t know that it was called a moogle and couldn't return the smile back. All she could do was give it a look. The moogle just stood before her in its happy state and handed her what looked like a black box device. "Now wait just a second here," Tiana exclaimed, hands on hips. Instead of simply accepting it with a smile, her immediate thought was expressed out loud. They have talking pigs here, too?!

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