Get to know me!

Mar 12, 2011 19:58

Name: Heather
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Natural colour: Dark Brown, Currently: Red Mahogany
Height: 5 feet 4 Inches or 162.56 Cm
Piercings: Each ear and then 2 cartilage
Tattoos: 6 now I have pics of them on my Facebook page

Movie: Nightmare Before Christmas, Harry Potter
Disney Movie: Cinderella, Cartoon versions of Peter Pan and Robin Hood
TV show: Family Guy and Simpsons
Color: Light Blue
Food: Chinese or Mexican. I also like Polish food as well
Pizza topping: Cheese and Sausage
Ice-Cream Flavor: Butter Pecan
Drink (alcoholic): Wiskey Sour
Soda: Cherry Coke/Pepsi/Dr.pepper
Store: Target
Clothing Brand: Anything I can fit my fat ass into
Shoe Brand: Converse
Season: Spring/early Summer
Month: June
Holiday/Festival: Halloween
Flower: Lilac
Make-Up Item: Clear Lip Gloss
Board game: Monopoly

This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: Both
Looks or personality: Both
Coffee or tea: Both but if the coffee is from Starbucks....
Hot or cold: warm

Do You
Smoke: No
Drink: Not really
Curse: Like a Sailor
Shower daily: Every other day
Like thunderstorms: Love them but if it gets too bad no
Dance in the rain: When I can yea
Sing: Yes, but not as well as I used to
Play an instrument: Kinda play guitar and piano
Get along with your parents: When they were together I did
Wish on stars: When I can see them
Believe in fate: Yup
Believe in love at first sight: Yes

Can you:
Drive: Yup
Sew: Yup
Cook: Yup
Speak another language: Eh Kinda. I can speak a little Spanish and fragments othe many other languages
Dance: Yup but not well
Sing: Yes but I need to warm up first and even then it's not that great
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: Yup, like a taco!

Have You Ever:
Eaten Sushi: Only once
Been in Love: Yes
Made prank calls: When I was little
Sent someone a love letter: not a ~Love~ letter but a love letter
Stolen something: Yes
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes

Other Questions
What annoys you most in a person? selfishness and being whinny
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Whenever I get tired...normally around 12am/1am
Name three things you can't live without: Music, Friends and my dad (RIP Dad I miss you)
What is the color of your room? a light Pine green
Do you have any siblings? Biological No.. Do I have people that are sisters from other mothers? Yes
Do you have any pets? Yes, 3 kittys!
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I'm not sure... it really depends on who it was
Are you for or against gay marriage? I'm all for it! Who's to say that love has boundaries?
What are your thoughts on abortion? Pro Choice; My body and not YOUR decision
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes
How do you want to die? Not By Fire and I want to die having loved and been loved
What is the largest amount of Popsicle's that you have eaten on one day? 7 I think and they were ALL lime flavored
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Heh, in a Fan Fic I did but in RL yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? I failed to stop at a stop sign

In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: It doesn't matter really
Eye color: I like Blue or Brown
Height: Taller than me but not too tall
Weight: Not too thin not too fat
Most important physical feature: Smile and eyes
Biggest turn-off: Being close minded


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