Jul 18, 2004 04:15
its 4:15 in the morning and im getting up at 7 to go to richmond and im asking my self was it really worth it to stay up till 3:30 just to watch bug juice on diseny? but whatever, well back to the story i wasnt saying yet, my room was dark as fuck and im looken around to find my flashlight next to my bed and all im think of is that nirvana song ,territorial pissings, and i just keep saying to myself when i was an alien, then finaly its just being shouted in my head and i cant think of anything eles just screams and i passed out. well just to get me stoked i wake up 3 mins later on my bed its sunny as fuck and im thinking to myself there is no fucking way in 3 mins it can go from pitch black to blinding light? but it did so,good day