Except for the fact that Spiral from the DH Forums uploaded the trailer and sneak preview for The Secret of the Fire Nation! I can't believe it! It looked so awesome and the fans were so loud!!
Jet. OMG JET IS BACK! And so is Suki! And Sokka was protecting her :3. And the Cabbage Man is back! He's one of my fav minor characters :D. And then Katara separated the water like Moses and everyone was screaming out loud from excitement and I was like "WTF?! THESE PEOPLE ARE MAD!!" and they are and I love them! I couldn't help but scream a little myself... which caused in my grandma rushing to my room to see if I was ok >.<.
The Serpent looked really cool, too. It did resemble the one shown in the first Sneak Preview for Avatar before it aired. So maybe that one was an earlier model? Aang gets blasted by Azula... I'm sure it was Aang, I saw arrows. Poor him... can't the poor boy get some rest? It does leave space for a nice Kataang moment, though :3. But I don't think I care that much about shipping right now, the movie just looks TOO awesome. Aw, and the bear was adorable. COME ON, SEPTEMBER!! COME TO US!!!
Aside from that, I had a pretty normal day. Woke up, had breakfast with my grandmother, slept some more (I stayed up until like 4 am last night), ate lunch, used the computer, went to the gym, came back, and now I'm using the computer again :). It's kind of like my routine nowadays. Later I'm going to the movies with some friends, though.
Well, that's about it. See ya!