Vatheon application

Aug 26, 2011 22:40

[ Player Name ] : Eco
[ Personal LJ ] : ecojak
[ Age ] : 21
[ Timezone ] : Eastern
[ Other Characters ] : None!

[ Character's Name ] : Zack Fair
[ Character's Age ] : 23
[ Series ] : Final Fantasy VII
[ Canon Point ] : From riiiight at the final, final battle in Crisis Core, but before his actual death.

[ History ] :
Right here!

[ Personality ] :
Zack is extremely easygoing and carefree, quite literally laughing in the face of any danger. He's courageous, outgoing, and an overall great guy to be around. Zack would gladly give his life for his comrades and friends without a second thought or hesitation, and is the prime example of what a true hero should be. He doesn't let depression get him down for long, nor does his expect anyone to feel bad for him. When someone else is down, Zack does what he can to lift their spirits, and if not that, offer support in any other way he can. He's rarely ever seen without a smile.

When it comes to girls, however, Zack is anything but shy. It wouldn't take him long to instantly flirt with one, given they were the proper age to, of course. Because of this, he can sometimes come off as a bit cocky, though it's never intended to be in a negative light. Zack will take attention anyway he can get it, whether it varies from the appreciation of the other Firsts and higher-ups, to the fanclub later formed in his name. His one majour goal in life is to be recognized as a hero, and he takes what he can get, fighting through obstacles along the way.

Angeal's death was a painful, and even harsh lesson for him; nothing in this life comes easy. Death is something to move past, and keep in the past.

Zack is nicknamed 'the puppy', and for good reason. Even idle, he can never quite seem to sit still. If there's nothing around to do, Zack will find something, as simple as it may be, always feeding the need to be constantly stimulated. It can come down to anything; squats, finding people to prod, or even creating his own games. If left alone, he will bore very easily, but one wonders if the man ever does actually sleep. The older Zack becomes, the younger he is at heart.

There are times where he'll get right down to brass tacks, however. Mess with one of his friends? Threaten a village? No thank you. Zack can easily slip from outgoing to serious in a matter of seconds. He's stern when he feels the time is right, knowing what has to be done and going through with it in a beam.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Strengths - Unlike regular humans, due to the modifications performed on him, Zack is a 'super-warrior', to put it lightly. All of his senses have been enhanced dramatically, including, but not limited to, hearing, smell, sight, reflexes, and strength. He's extremely skilled with a sword, and can wield one twice his size. The holsters on the Buster Sword allow him to use junctioned materia, unleashing a powerful combination of spells. Oftentimes, the materia can be fused, leveling it up, or even creating new and unique spells.

Memories and emotions serve as a majour basis for boosting Zack's abilities. The process of this is the Digital Mind Wave, or the DMW. In Zack's mind, this works as a slot-machine type of device, matching up faces and memories to gain certain abilities or become stronger. The more Zack is focused on one person, the better a chance of him gaining that type of ability, but it is otherwise by random chance. In any case, the more people and friends he meets, the stronger he would become.

The DMW is not limited to people, however. Zack can also summon different… well, Summons and creatures to assist him in battle. At this point of time, he would be limited to:

Ifrit: Attacks with Hellfire.

Bahamut: Attacks with Mega Flare.

Bahamut Fury: Attacks with Exa Flare.

Odin: Attacks with Zantetsuken and immediately kills enemies. (Though this only applies to low-level monsters.)

Weaknesses - Zack is a SOLDIER. He's a First Class and he's been shown to take on an entire army and still stand. But he is still human, and he does still have his limits. He can be hurt, injured, or even killed, though it's much more difficult to do unless one was to really, really grind down on him.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Nooot much else?

[ Sample ] :
Thewake_rp, most recent First-Person post.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : None!
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