Title: The Bench That Looked Over The River
Author: sparklesdontmakenoise
Pairing: Canon
Rating: M for language and lemons
Category: drama/romance
Spoilers: No worries!
Summary: Bella and Edward's families have given up on them, but they will never give up on each other. When life hands the two of them circumstances, they have no choice but to overcome them. And they'll be damned if they don't overcome them together. AH
one two Chapter Preview:
Edward jumped slightly, looking up at me from where his eyes were fixed in his lap. “Hey,” he replied. “I forgot you were coming.”
“Actually, I wasn’t,” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “I just needed to get out.”
He understood what I meant without asking me to explain. “Renee again?” he asked, sniffling.
I nodded. “I went into her old studio today.”
Edward chuckled quietly. “Bet she was super excited about that,” he muttered sarcastically.
“So why’d you do it?” he asked, rubbing a fist beneath his eye.
“I’m not sure,” I lied. “Well, I guess today was just bad because Charlie called. Everything in the house reminded me of what happened. I was sort of in the mood for masochism, remembering how Mom used to be.”
He reached down to take my bare hand in his gloved one, balancing them on his knee. “Things will get better, Bumblebee.”