General Info, OOC stuff, etc

May 04, 2009 04:08

To be updated as I see fit.

Why are you doing this?

The answer is simple, my friends. Draco Malfoy is a more complicated person than one may think. He arrived in Luceti at the end of July, and he's changed in more ways than anybody can keep track. This is just my way of keeping up with him.


Mun: cosmic_rockstar
AIM: Anagram Across
E-Mail: cosmic.rockstarr @ gmail dot com

Application. - I apped for Draco to be from HBP for three reasons. A.) The movie version of HBP had just hit theaters and I figured most people who haven't read the books would relate to him. B.) I didn't feel confident enough (i.e. I hadn't actually read it yet) to pull him from Deathly Hallows. C.) I feel like a post-HBP!Draco is much easier to form and manipulate in an RP setting. Books 1-5, he's a snotnose little prick. Book 7, he's very paranoid and he's practically afraid of his own shadow. With HBP, it's a nice little blend of both.

Draco's entry on the HP Wiki. - Really, this is just for my own reference, but you know. Feel free to call me out on things that fail.

Relationships/CR Post - As of right now, the list is horribly out of date and will soon be fixed.


Character Survey of Doom - This survey is up-to-date as of April 2010 to tie in with his canon, my head canon, and his Luceti canon. It's fairly long, and I tried to make it detailed as possible.


On fourth-walling: For the love of everything, please feel free to forth-wall him as much as you'd like. He's had people fourth-wall him already, so he's not new to the concept of "lol you're a book/movie character". Just keep in mind that he's from near the end of Half-Blood Prince. Where I've pulled Draco from is even before Dumbledore's funeral (specifically, he listened to Snape when he heard the word "run" and ran right into Luceti.) So that is to say, if anybody who isn't from his world brings up events and details from DH, he might not quite believe them.

List of Notable Possessions:

- His wand, of course. Where would he be without it?
- A Golden Snitch: Received after the 2009 Halloween event as a "joke" gift from the Malnosso. Because really, he had to catch it once, didn't he? While he hasn't quite perfected a flying broom, he's let the Snitch out a few times to run and chase after it.
- The DA Paper: Due to a semi-forced alliance with the members of the DA during Tom Riddle's stay in Luceti, Draco also obtained a piece of paper. Created by Hermione as a means of communication, it can transfer messages to everyone else with a paper by means of a modified Protean Charm. It looks like an ordinary to-do list. Due to Luceti's power restrictions, the messages won't appear for at least an hour and a half.
- The neck chain: Around the same point in time where he became an ally of the DA, Draco decided that he and Harry Potter needed a special way to communicate, a way where the others wouldn't know what was going on. Thanks to an off-handed conversation, and Draco's love for antagonizing Potter, Draco created two silver neck chains. When one chain is tugged on, the wearer of its twin bites the neck of said-wearer. Let's put it this way; these chains have been used more for annoying each other than for actually signaling they need to meet up.

-Padfoot: As of November 13th (2009), Draco Malfoy has been able to cast his very own Patronus. While this seems as though it might have been impossible, thanks to training from Harry as part of an exchange (Draco would only work as the DA's strategist if he received something extra), he's able to produce his Patronus.

Padfoot is a coyote pup. When he first came into existence, he wasn't very big at all. While Draco refuses to truly acknowledge that Padfoot belongs to him for a real reason, there is a reason that his Patronus is a coyote. After researching and comparing (and taking a few of those "What's your Patronus?" quizzes online...), I came to the conclusion that a coyote fits Draco's personality.


"Coyotes are creatures that communicate mostly through talking...howls, yips, barks, that sort of thing. They usually travel in large groups, but when they're hunting they set out alone, possibly with a partner. The relationships with individuals of the pack aren't as stable though as they would be with say a wolf pack, mostly because coyotes start showing their aggression earlier. They grow up a lot faster.

The coyote is extremely alert, always aware of what's going on around him and wary, though they're able to maintain themselves and not freak out. They're incredibly fast and they can also jump very high. They're known for rapidly adjusting to new areas and new situations, very adaptable creatures. Perfect hunters...they stalk their prey silently before pouncing.

Very evasive animals...though easily startled."--Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter.

"Well, let's think about it. They're a territory-oriented animal. They like to talk to other pack members. They're very vocal. They're one of the most adaptable animals in the world and will use just about anything to suit their needs. They have good senses and are rather evasive due to their secretive nature. It's a natural-born hunter, though it prefers to hunt alone, stalking and exhausting its prey before it attacks. And, as with Padfoot, they like attention, even if they aren't very social.

Now, if we take all that apart and compare it to you, I think you're being too hard on yourself. Being territorial, liking home, isn't a bad thing, but you're also very adaptable. Look at all you've done while you've been here. You've adapted better than a lot of us and you haven't had the support or the friendship other people had. I mean, we've got something now, you and I, but it took some time to develop. It wasn't there when I first arrived and you got here first, so you had to adapt to Luceti. Which you did. Brilliantly. Furthermore, while you do have a Slytherin's willingness to mold anything to your own needs, this adds to your adaptability. You may be cunning rather than particularly clever, but I don't think it's a particularly bad thing. You're doing it to survive, not because you take particular joy in it.

You also are intelligent, and have good senses, like a coyote. It may help your evasive nature, and don't even try to tell me you aren't secretive, because you are. You're just like Harry, not letting anyone help you. But I think you need that attention, even if you don't know how to ask for it. You're just not used to not having it like we are. Of course, that secretiveness has helped you in the long run... to survive.

I don't think any of this makes you a bad person. I just don't think you were looking at the entire thing when you did your research. There are a lot of aspects to a person's personality. No one's easy to figure out."--Hermione Granger to Draco Malfoy.

Padfoot is named Padfoot because Draco was dumb and asked Harry for suggestions on what to name the little guy when he was first "born." Harry suggested Padfoot, and the Patronus will no longer respond to anything but that. Even now though, Draco's still trying to learn how to control him properly.

Draco Malfoy is somewhat complex, and not many people see the entirety of his personality. He will either project himself as being stuck up and powerful, or to a very rare amount, he will show his weaknesses. The thing about Draco Malfoy is that despite how much of a brat he can be, he doesn't quite realize the changes going on right in front of his very eyes. Little by little though, he's starting to learn and he's finally growing up at his own pace.

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor have I ever claimed to be Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy is copyright of the Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling. I just like to spend too much time pretending to be him for fun.
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