[Because really, who is up this early in the morning besides....tentacles? Of course, Sebastian has tentacles. The resident hell of a butler and demon curls a tentacle around the PCD, turning it slightly so it angles against his face. Still sporting his tail coat waist up with white shirt and this time black gloves, the rest of his body is covered
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For the most part Rip was wandering through the submerged buildings, just enjoying her time as a mer-shark while it lasted.]
Sebastian just smirks]
There were to many shadows yet there was a rather familiar scent in the water. How had she missed that before? Rip twisted to snap in his direction, displaying very shark like teeth as she tries to free herself.]
When she turns on him, he has no intention of letting her attack him with those teeth, so other tentacles spring forth, wanting to move and latch onto the rest of her. If he starts to feel like he won't accomplish this, he'll let go and withdraw back into the rocks]
[His tentacles started to withdraw, each leg pulling suckers free. One sign that she's going sharky on him again and she'd merely get wrapped back up]
I could've very well called you dinner where I in the mood for shark.
Und zhen you vould looze your sniper.
[She began moving again, lazily swimming back an forth in front of him.]
...Zhe tentacles are razher fitting zhough Sebastian~. Now vhy are you hiding like zhat?
Ah yes. I could still use a sniper even without my young master still here.
[His words were slightly bitter, though his outwards fascade was rather calm.]
I'm finding them useful. I am merely mimicing what I saw other wild octopi do when hunting. I must admit it is rather fun.
Gute I vould hate to loose my home after just settling in~.
[That bitter tone doesn't escape her. In fact, she can somewhat sympathize. Well, in her own way of course. Rip sighs as she gets herself moving again, taking her time to actually get a good look at his tentacles now that she wasn't trapped in them.]
Vell I'm glad you are hafing fun. I'm razher enjoying being a shark.
Should he, I would be able to fix the house of dander rather shortly. [He raises his tentacles with a bit of a crook at the end, some of the suckers shifting as he keeps a hold of a few of the rocks]
I haven't been free in a while. There are pros and con to every situation.
Of courze~. Ve are both free of our..'masters' for now. I haf no doubt zhat Zamiel vill show back up here one day but until zhen, I am zimply going to enjoy life~.
[And maybe endulge her blood lust a little more than usual.]
Ah, and then hostility will ensue, I'm sure. I'll have to reexplain once more just as you'll have to get reaquainted with your 'master'.
I haf no doubt. Zhough I do not know about your Master..but Zamiel vill not take it vell. Zhat is, if he even vants anyzhing to do vith me if und ven he comes back.
[As much as she did not want to admit it, there was always the possibility the Dark Hunter would just... kill her again or if she was lucky, ignore her.]
I suppose then you don't need to hunt as much any more for the household but then again, extra is never a problem. Only Lizzie must continue to be fed. Undertaker minds himself with what meat he collects and occasionally what you collect. [He waves his hands a bit. He often played with skulls too]
My master would expect me to pick up as if nothing happened. There would be only one option. Yours on the other hand, seems more complicated?
...He iz zhe Devil. Of course it iz complicated. Zhe Dark Hunter treated me az hiz trophy und play toy. If I am lucky, ven he comes back, I am nozhing but hiz trophy. If I am unlucky, zhen I am hiz prey all over again und vill die or be tortured to death.
[To her this was a simple fact.]
The Devil. Even Devils and demons can be killed given the right incentive and means. I've done it myself including your Devil. The Phantomhive always take care of our own one way or another. It's merely a small irk in the matter of whether or not the situation is more costly.
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