Nevermore Tasks 036

Feb 12, 2011 15:50

I don't believe I've ever seen such towering buildings and metal structures such as the ones in the Wilderness. Impressive that man has advanced far enough to build towering heights. Manhattan contained high enough buildings that wind whipped about my coat tails and this Las Vegas was amusing enough with entertainment that it was a pity such easy games did not last longer.

Though I find it most strange th as careful as I've been around those with various diseases it seems as if I was not careful enough. Strange little redden like bumps have covered my entire body and it itches terribly. Neither does it look like I've been the only one so far this month. Annoying. While others scratched their spots I cannot see why. It only afflicts the area with worse itching even if it alleviates such itching for a short few seconds.

I've quarantined myself from my work... [Excuse the irritated looking writing. It's the itch] ... at least until it has passed. Maybe.

black (sebastian michaelis), black hates this so much, don't make me kill you, if only one could cook chicken pox away

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