Relationships @ a_facility

May 08, 2013 19:40

Updated: 11/10/10

~The Master~

Ciel Phantomhive

Interest Level: 10
Soul Worthy: Yes

Ciel Phantomhive is his lord and master, all other orders and obligations are beneath his word and will. Ciel and his safety is his number one priority. He will not do anything to tarnish his reputation. Ever the loyal servant, he will submit to even the lowest of tasks. Approach with respect and caution, lest you have a butler at your back.


Sasha Nein

Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Yes

Deal connection: "Right hand"
Mind controlled and forced into a deal against his will while under one of the facility's experiements, and while Sasha was turned into a Noah while in London. The deal was re-negotiated by Evil!Sasha thus affecting regular Sasha while in Venice. Becoming Sasha's right hand has given Sebastian a little more amusement in his life, since Sasha hardly makes such orders. Payment status: Soul


Kite of the Azure Flame

Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Yes

Small and constantly getting into trouble, or even getting him into a bath is a constant pain for Sebastian, but it was worth it for the soul that he acquired. He'll even let him eat soap. Even if his soul was eaten, a wish has doomed him friends forever with the little bbGod, even after such a deal is finished, or at least until either of them are terminated.

Badou Nails

Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Undetermined. Flesh Worthy

Possibly knowing more about Sebastian than Shikamaru does pretty much means you're fucked. This old time favorite of facility has seen it all, even his true form and he's willing to feast upon the poor hapless soul or just his flesh alone if it'll keep him quiet, even if it means patiently waiting and killing him off over and over again. Sebastian will keep this one closely watched even if that means making him his 'friend'.



Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Yes

This little creation of scientific genius intrigues him on many levels. While he seems to be highly praised for his artistic drawings, Sebastian also believes he's a slight bit out of his mind. He nearly horrified this one when he was able to turn into a cat for a little while and dragged him off to be inspected. He loves that delicious fear that wafts off him but keeps him around due to his usefulness in predicting the future, or at least hinting, even if that means he has to personally make sure his toy remains in one piece.


Interest Level: 7
Soul Worthy: Yes

Another victim of soul nommage during Ciel's disappearance. Sebastain rather enjoys watching this one dancing, whether it's simply on the show, by himself, or in the heat of battle, even if it means a little incentive to get him moving. For example, one of his many knives.

Komui Lee

Interest Level: 8
Soul Worthy: No Flesh Worthy

Komui has always been an interest to him, but only more so after watching him being captured by Sasha within London. He's sure even a piece of his flesh would satisfy him for a while, if not make him crave the whole meal.

Nara Shikamaru

Interest Level: 10
Soul Worthy: Yes

The pineapple head would be on the enemy list if it weren't for one of his lords, Kite. That doesn't stop his interest from being an all time ten on the record. Shikamaru knows far more about Sebastian than almost most. Sebastian in return, knows very little about him.


Alex Mercer

Interest Level: 7
Soul Worthy: No

Being the only current person deemed to be an enemy at the moment, Alex Mercer has already interfered with his plans once before. Deemed a hazard and quite the dick to Sebastian, he does not admire his crude way of doing things. The demon has gained a true loathing for this one and while he itches for a fight with the man, the demon was behave and remain at a distance.


Allen Walker

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: No

His interest is moderate with this exorcist, having grown to teasing him and merely interacting when convenient. Unfortunately after fighting against Allen during Noah!Sasha good times, his interest in the poor boy grew. Recently though, that attention has begun to decline, though he still rather enjoys watching the boy in contempt.


Interest Level: 7
Soul Worthy: No

Sebastian isn't sure what to think of Axel. While he's somewhat playful at times and dull at others, he tries striking up a conversation whatever chance he can get. He's seen that fire of his, and even caught at him at interesting times such as during Personality Swap week, where he had the opportunity to listen to him sing Karaoke. If anything, he would possibly be an interesting opponent to fight.

Dave Strider

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: Undetermined

Cocky, smooth, and determined, Sebastian sees Dave as just another arrogant human. He considers him one of those people that would do something just so it would up his own image. While normally this boy would hold no interest for Sebastian, this teen often finds himself in extreme trouble resulting in physically agony. The sweet pain Sebastian experiences from him is enough to keep the demon lingering, if only to watch.

Emilia Galmar

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: No

Pure of heart and kind, Sebastian finds the young woman to be quite the charming character. While his interest in her is at a normal means, there's something about passing the time entertaining a lady for appearences. Besides, if he can get on her good side, then there is a chance that perhaps Ciel will cave in and allow her to tutor him. On the rare chance that Ciel would allow it, that is.

Emmett Honeycutt

Interest Level: 4
Soul Worthy: No

Emmett use to be the thing of torment for Sebastian. Back when the doctors had become exposed, the demon had quite the joy of antagonizing Emmett for fun. A particular doctor was special to the human and Sebastian had turned it into a game, threatening to find and kill that one doctor just to watch him suffer. Emmett while not one of Sebastian's toys is still fun to pick at and every now and then, he'll bring up that sore spot of Emmett's favorite doctor.

Fai D.Flourite

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: Undetermined

He's not sure what this little one is all about but he's quite curious to crack him open and see what's inside. Possibly literally. He knows there is someone protecting him from that lurking soul presence he feels around him, but that doesn't hinder his progress. The kid is all smiles nearly all the side, save for rare signs of fear. It only stands to intrigue him more.

Gamzee Makara

Interest Level: 3
Soul Worthy: No

Quite the strange troll, Gamzee confused the heck out of Sebastian at first. Now, he is quite use to his manner of speech even if he finds it somewhat odd. Quite a breath of fresh air compared to his other troll friends, he doesn't seem to mind his presence around certain situations

Grell Sutcliffe

Interest Level: 7
Soul Worthy: No

The shinigami has returned but without his memories before. Sebastian is more than happy to keep it that way and out of his room this time. He's keeping him at an admirable distance, though occasionally on prompt he will engage if only to keep an eye on him so he doesn't cause problems for his master. The red head has kept a rather low profile lately.


Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: No

A lady of air in his eyes, she's quite the persistent woman in being normal. He wonders why this reasons is. While usually in his butler state he tries to upkeep in the proper addressing of a woman, it is tasking to refer to her as simply Ishtar. His interest is normal at best, now that the pesky vampire is out of the way.

Jack Noir

Interest Level: 3
Soul Worthy: No

Jack is only an interest to Sebastian because he is a species he has never seen before. While the odd little thing from "Derse" tends to threaten a lot, he hardly seems to back any threat to a real truth. More of a nusiance and hardly worth the effort, he'll only converse with him if he's truely bored.

Kanda Yu

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: No

After engaging in a bloody hack and slash battle, both combatants came out literally unscathed. Had these two been allowed to continue to hack away at each other and hax heal like mad, who knows who would've won. Sebastian intends to find out in the future should he be given another chance/opportunity.

Maka Albarn

Interest Level: 8
Soul Worthy: Undetermined

He's had the pleasure of sparing with this curt little lady and he has to admit he wants to take her full on. Straight to the point, but knowing how to hold back, he sees her as a worthy adversary. It's one of Kid's few friends that he has an interest in other than just to torment, and still remains even though Kid is no longer with facility.

Millennium Earl

Interest Level: 6
Soul Worthy: No

The Earl in all counts around Sebastian seems to act like an Earl and thus Sebastian's asethetics deem him to be polite around the other. Seeing no real threat towards his master or himself, he'll tolerate his rampart behavior for now. He has no real intention to interfer with anything he does as it is not his business and he doesn't need to. The conversations are at least interesting.

Neku Sakuraba

Interest Level: 7
Soul Worthy: Yes

Neku, neku, neku. Oblivious to everything around him, Sebastian is keen to stopping in at the most inconvenient of times. He enjoys watching this one get all rifled up and uses him as bait to call out Joshua more times than one. His cat seems to like him though, but that doesn't stop him from going all out in tormenting when he can.

Ramona Flowers

Interest Level: 2
Soul Worthy: No

If not for the glowing hair, he might've given up on this one a while ago. Except that the young girl seems to pester him at some turns. While he's not particularly interested in her due to her judging habits and the arogant way she assumes, he is keeping an eye on her.

Ritsuka Aoyagi

Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Yes.

Even though Ritsuka is a human, those cat ears and tail just make him far more appealing. Being a "cat" in some ways, he delights in calling him kitten. He's slightly annoyed at the fact he won't take anything from him, but it's not in a frustrating away. Sebastian is rather harmless around Ritsuka, making him one of the safest people to be around Sebastian. He could probably get away with a lot, such as petting him on the head, or asking things of him without a price. Still, Ritsuka avoids him as much as possible being that Sebby's a creeper, even if he might be warming up to him a little.


Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: Undetermined

He's only met this cute little one once, when he was actually very cute and little as a child. Sebastian was enough of a creeper even without trying, that Roxas managed to get Sora to call a STRANGER DANGER on him.

Sollux Captor

Interest Level: 2
Soul Worthy: No

Somewhat interesting and yet at the same time a tad boring, his attention was only captured when he was forced to be connected to the other during an experiement where they couldn't be away from each other for long without receiving shocks. He spent a good week with the other, but despite that, his interest is decreasing over time.


Interest Level: 6
Soul Worthy: No Flesh Worthy

Lately, he's been all over Mittens and her kittens, hovering over Sora. Sebastian's almost had the pleasure of ripping out this one’s heart. He thought it rather noble to have his heart ripped out for a complete stranger, one he wouldn't even know who it was going to. It made from quite the interesting game and when faced with that pain and death, Sora didn't even hesitate or flinch. He's quite interested now, even if Tsunade got in the way of him actually completing it.

Stephanie Brown

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: Undetermined

One of previous Grell's friends, this one is quite irritating to Sebastian as she seems to want to get on his good side. While he objects and avoids her at every chance he can, she is rather persistant in pestering him even if he's made it clear he wants nothing to do with Grell whatsoever. Still posing as a behaving butler, he can't exactly prove otherwise at the moment.


Interest Level: 9
Soul Worthy: Yes

Quite the saucy little thing, he'll attack without warning given the chance. Her abilities seem great, captivating his interest to the extreme thrills he so desires. He quite interested in taking her up on another fight, possibly a rematch that isn't to the death. He'd enjoy pushing her to her utter limits, if it wasn't for Kite and his great interest in her.

Vriska Serket

Interest Level: 5
Soul Worthy: No

This odd little lady is devious enough to capture Sebastian's attention, though he can't help but tease and test her at anything he can think of. He considers himself somewhat of a gentleman, entertaining a lady of worth as somewhat of a classy one at that. Unfortunately, Sebastian's teasing nature tends to get out of hand.

relationships, ooc, *a_facility

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