Princess Princess Drama

Jun 29, 2006 20:45

OMFG! *dies laughing* It's on... CRACK! Heee~~!!!! A little modified from the original and oh my goodness... Kouno Tohru is.... *_______* BISHOU--- erm... maybe it's Bijin in this case? Mikoto isn't exactly pretty in my opinion, but ok ^^ he does kinda fit his character. Sakamoto Akira is... -,-;;;; I can't describe him -.-;;; They're all on crack @,@. Shihoudani is funny ^.~ though I thought he would have a little longer hair -,- but yeah. Arisada is kinda cute, but I'm so used to Kamiya Hiroshi's voice -,-; Ah I love Kamiya-san's voice~ I wonder what Sendai no Sakamoto-sama looks like in this version ^.~ I'm absolutely incoherent, but that's because I was just so blown away by how scary this episode was in terms of level of crack ^,^; The amount of pink and white was really frightening for me ^^; lace too ^^; Gothic-loli isn't extremely eye-pleasing for me ^^; but I still look forward to the next episode ^^


z: silly, 3: drama, s: princess princess

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