Detective Bluecat (Tantei Aoneko)
Motoni, Modoru
http://www.sasugabooks.comScanlations: *Volume 1:
ISBN: 4832280961
Price: $9.40
*Volume 2:
ISBN: 4832281453
Price: $9.40
*Volume 3:
ISBN: 4832282492
Price: $9.40
*Volume 4:
ISBN: 4832282859
Price: $9.40
I luv this series by Motoni-sensei, it's so cute T.T First of all, Aoneko Kyojiro is just the most darling character I've seen in the longest time. The storyline is basically like Sherlock Holmes and his partner, Watson, only it's so much cuter T-T The story is interlaced with tons of angst as well as occassional randomness and silly comedy. The first book has me completely hooked, especially the final chapter with its 3 parts T.T *weeps* Yes, I luv angst... ^^
~luvluv, Anael