Feb 02, 2005 13:50
Okay, so they sent me over here to the Deputy Secretary's office b/c his assistant is out and I am supposed to "cover". Well, since no one is in the office right now, I am just sitting here on LJ and listening to some kind of Christian Pop music on MSN Radio. Which was a selection I thought would be reasonable since I am in a very high profile, important office (seriously). So, anyway, I was sitting here and some guy came in looking for the Deputy Secretary. I told him he was in a meeting all day and could I take a message. He said no but that I should change my music b/c it sounded pretty miserable! Who says that? I told him it was Christian music and he said that it would put him to sleep. I think he was just flirting and couldn't think of anything else to say, but that was kind of rude. And I have no one else to tell about this so I had to write it.