Oct 06, 2012 14:45
It seems things are going downhill once again at the store.
Ever since Fencon the schedule has been kind of screwy. My time off from the con lasted till the following Friday, and when I get back to work, I find the truck for Saturday is cancelled. And the boos in his infinite wisdom decided to take a truck on Sunday and move the start time to 1:00am.
This week is turned out equally nonsensical, since we are heading into inventory. So we are taking trucks all weekend since inventory will take Monday and Tuesday (which means we will be off) and we'll be working straight through the rest of the week.
But I saw the schedule for the week following that, and that really has pissed me off. The only non-truck days that week are Tuesday and Thursday. So that means a truck Sunday and Monday, on top of the four straight truck days we already worked.
This means I haven't had a Sunday free since Fencon, and it looks like we are going back to the much loathed working all weekend schedules we had up until this year. It's bad enough we are likely to deal with it around Christmas, but if they are already starting I'm expecting it means we are getting shafted out of any free time on the weekend.
Combine that with the realization of what a dick our current assistant manager is, I'm really inclined to get back on the job hunt again.
work sucks