1. I died: weep exactly 1 teardrop for every second ive know you, which is like close to 290007865, give or take 1 2. I kissed you: id remind you im not you secret desire, c.h. 3. I lived next door to you: build a secret tunnel with a meeting room for us to chill in smack dab in the middle 4. I started smoking: isnt gonna happen 5. I stole something: rack your knuckles with a ruler 6. I was hospitalized:put you in a wheelchair and take you away, then kidnap a doctor so you could be treated in the comfort of your home 7. I ran away from home: drive you to kates and help sneak you in, like kids do with dogs in the movies 8. I got into a fight and you weren't there? get there and beat the junk out of whatever fool dared to challenge you, except if it was kate, id fight you both
9. Personality: predigious(not actually sure if a) thats a word and b) what it means 10. Eyes: better than mine, as in you dont need glasses, lucky 11. Hair: guys really shouldnt discuss that question, itd make me look a little, well you know 12. Family: yall look too much alike
13. Be my friend? am i not 14. Keep a secret if I told you one? with my life at stake 15. Hold my hand? why wouldnt i 16. Take a bullet for me? many a time 17. Keep in touch? of course, we'll be living at coronas shortly enough 18. Try and solve my problems? tried it 19. Love me? as long as love exists 20. Date me? i dont know, nataly garzon is really coming on strong 21. Call me when I was sick just to see if I felt better? i think i have 22. Visit me when I was sick...and let me sleep in your arms? i think my picture is already gonna freak out tu padre enough
23. Lied to make me feel better? probably, sorry 24. Wanted to kiss me? mi casa es su casa 25. Wanted to kill me? only to keep you and kate from fighting 26. Broken my heart? hope not 27. Kept something important from me? dont think so 28. Thought I was unbearably annoying? only when you and kate fight like rabid antelope
29. Who are you? the guy who cooked for you 30. Are we friends? sure 31. When and how did we meet? last year when you and kate were in line for school store and i gave you a pass to mrs g. room for the study 32. Describe me in one word: perfectmother 33. What was your first impression? shed be the ultimate mom 34. Do you still think that way about me now? even more so 35. What reminds you of me? kids 36. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a better toleration of buffalo sauce 37. How well do you know me? better than you think 38. When's the last time you saw me? um like 9 hours ago 39. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? dont think so 40. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you? you alreayd did
1. I died: weep exactly 1 teardrop for every second ive know you, which is like close to 290007865, give or take 1
2. I kissed you: id remind you im not you secret desire, c.h.
3. I lived next door to you: build a secret tunnel with a meeting room for us to chill in smack dab in the middle
4. I started smoking: isnt gonna happen
5. I stole something: rack your knuckles with a ruler
6. I was hospitalized:put you in a wheelchair and take you away, then kidnap a doctor so you could be treated in the comfort of your home
7. I ran away from home: drive you to kates and help sneak you in, like kids do with dogs in the movies
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there? get there and beat the junk out of whatever fool dared to challenge you, except if it was kate, id fight you both
9. Personality: predigious(not actually sure if a) thats a word and b) what it means
10. Eyes: better than mine, as in you dont need glasses, lucky
11. Hair: guys really shouldnt discuss that question, itd make me look a little, well you know
12. Family: yall look too much alike
13. Be my friend? am i not
14. Keep a secret if I told you one? with my life at stake
15. Hold my hand? why wouldnt i
16. Take a bullet for me? many a time
17. Keep in touch? of course, we'll be living at coronas shortly enough
18. Try and solve my problems? tried it
19. Love me? as long as love exists
20. Date me? i dont know, nataly garzon is really coming on strong
21. Call me when I was sick just to see if I felt better? i think i have
22. Visit me when I was sick...and let me sleep in your arms? i think my picture is already gonna freak out tu padre enough
23. Lied to make me feel better? probably, sorry
24. Wanted to kiss me? mi casa es su casa
25. Wanted to kill me? only to keep you and kate from fighting
26. Broken my heart? hope not
27. Kept something important from me? dont think so
28. Thought I was unbearably annoying? only when you and kate fight like rabid antelope
29. Who are you? the guy who cooked for you
30. Are we friends? sure
31. When and how did we meet? last year when you and kate were in line for school store and i gave you a pass to mrs g. room for the study
32. Describe me in one word: perfectmother
33. What was your first impression? shed be the ultimate mom
34. Do you still think that way about me now? even more so
35. What reminds you of me? kids
36. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a better toleration of buffalo sauce
37. How well do you know me? better than you think
38. When's the last time you saw me? um like 9 hours ago
39. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? dont think so
40. Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you? you alreayd did
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