[OOC] State of the Muse

Jul 01, 2008 11:17

Kind of stemming from a conversation with clever_wanderer's mun last night, I thought maybe it might make some sense to try and organise what's been going on with Sarah Jane lately in all her various 'verses, for my sanity and for the sanity of whoever follows along. So! Those main plots running about right now.

milliways_bar: Still married to callitavesper with a six month old daughter, Valerie Bond. Working part time as a journalist and visiting the bar in her spare time to say hello to old friends and check in on her in-bar family (born_running and hapan_heiress).

relativespace: Survived the loss of a good majority of the universe and lost walkineternity in the process, causing her to grieve over their burgeoning romantic relationship. Ran into clever_wanderer and moved in to his TARDIS. Life between the two is currently awkward, as both need to figure out how to deal with their own issues. Also starting a friendship with thecricketer and trying her best to be more pro-active against the loss of any more of the universe.

twood_hub: After being left by the Doctor in present day Cardiff, has begun to find a small niche working in Torchwood. Has developed a romantic relationship with exiled_prof, who is leaving to go back to Scotland (where he runs Torchwood House). Also has struck a friendship with gethin_jones and izzie_mcphee. However, for the most part, still feels out of place with the group.

shatterverse: Is travelling about Shattered Britain with lost_a_hand after reuniting in London. Still needs to find out what he's hiding from her regarding the years they spent apart.

thisisarea42: Was staying with lovetolongago, now probably moving out. In love with the Doctor, despises the fact that she's fiction, and heartbroken.

Random Plots
walkineternity: As a continuation of their adventures, post- never finished Venice trip, Sarah and the Doctor find themselves trying to enjoy a day at Disney World. Unbeknown to the duo, danger lurks in the simplest rides.

merlin_doctor: Stemming from interaction in sixwordstories, Sarah and the Doctor reunite (with added bonus Sawyer the wolf!) and resume travelling together again. Last seen in 1600s London. Hopefully the start of some little series of adventures.

sarahgeth_show: In an AU spinning off of twood_hub and The Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane and gethin_jones have shockingly found love and family with each other. Coming home from travelling in time to witness Ianto's death, the couple decide to move to Aunt Lavinia's old home in Ealing. Yet, the Bane have something up their sleeves.

If I am missing anyone or anything that may be considered important plots/people in SJ's life, please comment and let me know.

Other Things:
I have also found recent fun in writing prompts lately, not just for the sake of writing, but for specific people. There's something nice about writing for friends and something challenging in meeting the goal. So! If you would like your pup to be featured in a prompt response with Sarah, please comment here.

Also, please keep in mind that Sarah Jane is always up for new role play adventures. I, personally, am having a lot of fun with these non-comm roleplays and would love some more. Pleeeeeease don't hesitate to leave a comment here or IM me (Enelya Sol) or email me (pilot.jaina @ gmail.com). I know I ought to do the same, but yeah, awkward and shy.

state of the muse, ooc

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