Jun 17, 2008 17:07

Just a note to all concerned that I will not have normal internet access for my duration in Germany, as the friends we are staying with do not have wireless. So tags and everything will be even slower than normal, but I will try best I can. I leave Friday, I believe, for Holland where I shall have normal internet access again.

If you need me for anything, just reply to this and I will get back to you! Or email me at pilot.jaina @ gmail.com. Between this computer and my mom's blackberry, hopefully I will not be too much out of touch.

merlin_doctor: I do not know when the Tammy's are, but if they are while I am in Germany, do you mind posting SJ in with Eleven as they are going together?

cooper_gwen: Are you still up to meeting while I am back in Holland?

ambitious_woman: Not to sound stalkerish in any way, but I may have gotten you a postcard while at Versaille and would like to send it out to you. However, I do not know your address, so if you wouldn't mind emailing it to the email above, I can send it!

Everyone else? <3 and will talk to ya'll soon!

Next step: find USB key to get prompts posted through this computer.


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