[AU (Future) Hub] Torchwood Hub Future Scenario - Ewan and Sarah - 2018

Apr 23, 2008 14:06

My bags drop on the cold stone tiles of the House as the door closes behind her. The trip to Cardiff has been more than successful. In fact, it has surpassed anything my wildest dreams can come up with. Visiting old friends has been a breath of fresh air, as has returning to the place where, in effect, this all had started for me.

But Scotland is home now. Or, more to the point, Ewan and our family are my home. I love them all more than words could ever describe, and, as much as I still despises cliches, there really is nothing like being home. I take a deep breath of the musty air and smile to myself. My smile turns brighter when the Lady floats by. She's officially the first to welcome me back.

Placing a hand on my stomach, I nod in confirmation to her unasked question. Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, there will be another child within the House in eight months. Yes, this time the pregnancy will last. The Lady has been my sole secret keeper - occasionally spying on me during those awful mid-mornings spent throwing up in the bathroom or when the fatigue got to be too much. I don't know how the ghost knew I was pregnant. It's just easier to accept.

The ghostly woman floats away, leaving me alone in the foyer. No one expects me to be home tonight. I wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow morning, but I couldn't wait. I have to surprise Ewan with the news. The twins ought to be asleep by now; it's 9 pm and those blessed little ones always managed to wear themselves out by half past six. I'll check in on them after, preferably with their father in tow.

Beaming, I abandon my bag and the hockey sticks at the door and take off in the direction of the Smith-Harrow apartment. I have my leman to surprise, after all. And I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him the news.

twood hub, ewan harrow

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