[Oncoming Storms] Response

Apr 19, 2008 15:34

Get your character drunk.

By now she should have known better when the Doctor told her not to eat the food or drink the water. After all, she had been travelling with him steadily for months by now. And common sense said that what may be edible for one species wasn’t for another.

Still, everything on this planet was gorgeous. When the Doctor had said Phototron Five was known as a pleasure planet, he had meant it. The ocean sparkled like diamonds in the golden sun. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, which was a gorgeous blue-purple-pink colour that reminded Sarah Jane of a permanent sunset. Beyond the beach was a lush forest of unique, vine-like plants. That was where the town was - the town past the huts on the beach that is.

The Doctor had abandoned her by the water hours earlier, wandering off with some village elders to discuss the current tourism rate. She had thought that he had fit right in. As the elders stroked their bushy white beards, he played with the fringe of his scarf. Sarah was too preoccupied with collecting seashells to notice when the talking stop and the wandering off had begin.

Not that Sarah Jane cared now, either. She was too entranced with the handsome young native currently sitting on the beach beside her. His indigo fingers left a trail of pale blue glow as they went down her arm. He smiled at her, golden brown eyes alluring as his alien status. Oh, sure being about aliens was common place but often time they either looked so very human or so very different. Finding the balance in between two polar ends was almost unnerving.

His name was Dar'en O'verum and he was, from what Sarah could figure out, approximately two hundred and fifty years old or only three years older than her development wise. And he was absolutely gorgeous. All of the natives were, but there was something in the way in which he had taken an interest in her that made him even more so. She smiled when he told her that she was unlike any other creature he had seen before. It was much the same for her. His voice was like honey and, if she wasn’t so caught up in looking at him, Sarah was certain all she had to do with close her eyes and she would melt at the sound. The feather light kisses in her hair were driving her mad.

This planet and these people were a welcomed change from Cybermen and Zygons. Sitting on a gorgeous beach where the sand didn’t itch but felt perfectly divine touching those parts of you not covered up by a bikini rather than running for your life was a much needed change. Sarah Jane adored travelling with the Doctor. Sarah Jane did not adore (or, at the very least would never admit to adoring) risking her life almost every other day.

Thank god, or whatever the Gallifreans believed in, that the TARDIS decided they needed a vacation.

So when Dar’en offered her a glass of nectar, she didn’t think twice. As pleasant as the sun felt on her skin, it was becoming awfully hot. Or was that the heat radiating off of Dar’en’s body? Sarah couldn’t decide. She smiled at him as he passed her the chilled glass. Their hands brushed and she gasped at the current that ran through her. It surprised her, especially considering the very fact that she had been leaning against his chest for the past half hour.

“Bon appétit,” Sarah murmured before taking a sip.

The nectar was absolutely delicious. Perhaps the only thing comparable that Sarah knew to compare it to was mango juice. But it was sweeter than that, far richer. In the end, she didn’t know what to compare it to. After her third sip, though, she found that it did not matter. Vaguely, she remembered the Doctor’s warning not to eat or drink anything while on Phototron Five. She remembered him saying that it would affect a human differently due to differences in metabolism.

Oh, but it tasted so, so wonderful. And everything suddenly seemed to intensify. Dar’en’s chuckle sent shivers down her spine. The heat was becoming more oppressive. Sarah felt every sensation tenfold. The ocean waves crashed loudly in her hears. Dar’en’s pheromones mixed with the salt from the sea, tickling her nose and causing her to sigh. Her eyes had to close; everything was far too bright. And the tastes… oh, the tastes. She downed the remainder of the drink within seconds.

The cup dropped from her hand as she tilted her head upward to look at Dar’en. The light still hurt her eyes but oh, it was worth it for the way he was looking at her.

“That was.” Her words sounded slurred. “Was amazing, Dar’en. Absolutely… absolutely delicious.”

He smiled at her, a radiant, glowing smile that made her heart skip so many beats. He finished the last of his nectar and placed the glass on the sand next to hers. Dar’en ran his fingers across Sarah’s cheek and she giggled. “It is, isn’t it?”

She nodded again, big and messy nods that were completely exaggerated. “Oh. It’s… it’s… it’s.”

The words would not come. No matter how hard she tried, Sarah Jane could not think of the proper words. But his face was so close now and there was at least one thing she could think of doing. Sarah leaned in, leaned up, smiling and staring.

The second their lips touched, Sarah Jane moaned. His hand wrapped in her hair and pushed her head closer so that their lips crashed. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and it tasted every bit as good as the nectar. The fact that she was currently snogging an alien didn’t even cross her mind. Nothing did, except how wonderful his indigo skin felt flushed against hers, the weight of his body pressing her down into the sand. She lifted a knee between his legs, groaning again when his tongue began to explore her mouth.

Oh, this was far better than facing a Dalek ever was.

She let her hands roam the smooth skin of his back, grateful that the natives didn’t wear much aside from a loincloth. Because he was pressing into her now and the lightest of grinding movements made her scream.

This was why Sarah Jane tried to stay away from excessive drinking. It wasn’t the first time she had fallen into bed - or, as it seemed, into sand - due to being drunk. So it had been some years since uni and that party and Andrew. So she had never kissed an alien before and perhaps it would’ve been smarter if she had gone into this sober. She didn’t care. She didn’t care at all.

“Sarah Jane?”

There were hands slipping underneath the bikini bottoms, grasping her buttocks and pushing her up against him. She writhed and moaned, close to screaming again as all the sensations overwhelmed. If she opened one eye, Sarah could see sparks of blue and a glowing aura around Dar’en that meshed against her. Quite the sight to go with quite the moment and quite the feelings.

“Oh my. Sarah Jane?”

Vaguely, she was aware of a voice. It was someone saying her name, someone familiar. Not Dar’en, no. His voice was too busy worshipping her as much as his hands were.

“Sarah. Oh, Sarah, you did drink the nectar? I told you not to, didn’t I? The drink is far too potent for you humans. Sarah Jane? Are you listening to me?”

One of those blue hands was moving away from her arse and up her back until it slid between their bodies and began to massage her breast. Sarah Jane sighed again. There may have been a voice and it may have been telling her something. All she could hear was her heavy breathing and Dar’en’s, her occasional screams, and Dar’en telling her how he’s never made love with a beautiful goddess before, an outsider from another planet and how happy he was that it was her. It may have been the nectar talking to both of them. It probably very well was.

And it lasted until a bucket full of that glorious lukewarm water splashed all over their bodies. Sarah Jane blinked in surprise when Dar’en rolled off of her. She blinked even more when a pale skinned hand reached down to help her up. She could hear Dar’en sitting in the sand next to her, senses still high from her intoxicating experience. There were words she didn’t understand. Swears, she assumed, and apologies.

She quickly forgot him as her eyes settled on a new face. Her smile widened and she reached out to touch familiar curly brown hair. “Doctor! Oh, hullo, Doctor! Had… had fun wid da stuffy white beards?”

“Oh my Sarah Jane,” he answered with a laugh, keeping his hand steady on her back for her balance. “I told you not to drink anything, didn’t I?”

“Doctor!” Sarah said again, giggling. “Dar’en is… Dar’en.”

“Is going to leave now,” the Doctor replied calmly. His eyes flickered from her face for the briefest of seconds. If she were more sober, Sarah would know that he was giving the alien bloke a menacing glare. As it was, she wasn’t and had no idea as she swayed in the Doctor’s arms.

“Doccy, oh Doccy, I’m having…” Giggles. “Having such… such a gate time!”

And with that, she repeated her earlier action of pressing her lips against those of an alien. An alien, that is, who was more than grateful when Sarah Jane passed out in his arms seconds after. He wondered what she would remember. He hoped that, at the very least, she would not remember the milli-second in which he returned it.

response, doctor (four), os

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