[Milliways] OOM: London, February 2007

Dec 08, 2007 19:38

Sarah Jane has never liked hospitals much. But true to her word, she doesn't put up any sort of resistance on the way to St Anne's. The ride over is silent; Sarah feels too weak to really say much at all. Instead, she spends time trying her best to stay conscious and not collapse on James yet again.

Soon enough, they arrive at the hospital from their Notting Hill house. There isn't a long wait in Accident and Emergency, so Sarah's seen quickly enough. After taking her vitals and the like, they hook her up to an IV and transfer her over to maternity. It's there that she's question until feeling dizzy all over again. When the last doctor leaves, it's with the promise of sending a psychiatrist over in the morning.

Finally, she's allowed some alone time with James. She's been anticipating and dreading this moment through every exam and interview. When it does come, she's not sure she's prepared. But there's one thing she can say, and it's certainly deserved at the moment.

"Thank you."

oom, milliways, james bond

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