[Realm of the Muse] Response

Nov 12, 2007 09:36

George Carlin Quotes: If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

She hadn’t understood any of it. One moment, she had been in the UNIT-guarded think tank and then, after following that annoying Doctor Smith into that daft police box of him, she had stumbled upon a far too realistic pantomime. In a world that was vastly different from Sarah Jane’s own, she had only been left with rationalization. She must have been knocked unconscious while exploring the inside of the police box and, then, it must have been loaded on the back of a truck so the Doctor could sneak out inconspicuously.

As for bringing her to one of these bloody tourist places, well, to be honest, she couldn’t figure that one out. She had tried to, of course. But absolutely no reason truly made sense. What would missing scientists have to do with grotty tourist sites? If they just wanted a vacation, surely all they had to do was ask! UNIT, let alone any agency that they worked for, didn’t seem that horrid as to deny hard-working men the break that they deserved.

Sarah had still been puzzling out all her explanations when he walked in. He wasn’t like anything that she had ever seen before. The man possessed no visible neck and his clothes (if you could call them that) were horribly out of place for either time period: past or present. It was metallic and, well, almost reminded her of a space suit out of a particularly bad Star Trek episode. It was the head that kept getting to her though: the eyes were too sunken in and the lips were too wide and there was absolutely no hair to be found on his person!

The strange man walked forward towards Irongron, stating something about weapons. All Sarah Jane could really do was to stare. He certainly spoke English well enough, but she had found in her travels with her aunt that that didn’t necessarily explain anything. She found herself wincing as he came forward, acting almost… confused by her presence.

Suddenly, she found herself wanting to go home - wherever or whenever home was. She didn’t want to believe it to be possible: that she wasn’t in a pantomime and that all this was really happening. But the man’s grasp on her chin felt strange, completely unhuman. He seemed as confused as she did, babbling away on reproductive systems and some Sontaran Military Academy.

It was after he pulled the wand-like device on her that everything became clear. She could almost see herself in the trance. Sarah didn’t want to answer any of Linx’s questions, but with the glow in her eyes, she found herself compelled. As her mind’s eye watched from far off, she knew that this wasn’t some silly tourist place. This was real.

She always felt that those UFO groups were just nutters. Oh, she wasn’t arrogant enough to believe that they were alone in the universe. After all, it was a great big wide one filled with lots of stars and planets humankind would never be able to reach. Sarah did, however, fancy herself as realistic. Just as there was no likelihood of humans ever reaching far past their own solar system, likewise was the likelihood of aliens reaching Earth. They were out there, yes, but certainly not anywhere within the vicinity of Earth.

Sarah Jane liked humans well enough. Even with all their faults, it made her lot rather interesting. But a universe capable of all this life on Earth wouldn’t just settle for one planet. That, more than anything, was completely inconceivable.

The device switched off. Suddenly, all previous thoughts and recollections disappeared. She had no idea what she had just said, let alone what she had been thinking. All Sarah Jane knew as that this situation was getting weirder and weirder and that she had to get away from Irongron and his strange looking knight.

So she ran when no one was looking.

It wasn’t until two nights later, asleep safe and sound within the TARDIS, did Sarah Jane remember those lost thoughts and words. As she turned on her side and stared out in the darkness of the bedroom she had claimed for herself, she had a chuckle.

Not alone in the universe, indeed.

She was certain that befriending this Timelord (as arrogant and vain as he seemed) would turn out to be quite the adventure. Being alone in the universe was a vastly daft idea, overall.

the doctor(three), linx, rotm

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