[Creative Muses] October Prompt

Oct 10, 2007 14:52

Devil's Advocate

"What about this one?"

Sarah Jane stopped the trolley short as the Doctor jumped in front of her with a box of Fruit Loops. She couldn't figure out why her friend had been so insistent in joining Luke and herself in a shopping trip at the local Tesco. The Doctor didn't usually enjoy domestic. Sarah had just written it off as yet another quirk with this regeneration. The Eleventh, if she counted correctly. And the first female Doctor she had ever met. While just as daft and brilliant as all her other selves, there was something different about this Doctor.

She had been stopping by quite often now, ever since Sarah had randomly met her while running from a Slitheen. Rather much like the Doctor, she usually showed up at the worst of times. Rather unlike the Doctor, she had also taken an interest in Luke that almost bordered on motherly. It honestly drove her quite insane.

"It only has 9 calories of fat. And look, Luke," the Doctor continued, now shoving the cereal box in the boy's face. She tossed back her scarf, smiling far too brightly for Sarah's taste. "A toucan! I had one of those once, you know. Such a good friend, that bird --- much more willing to listen to me than your mum ever was."

Luke blinked, reaching one hand forward towards the box curiously. "I've read about them. It--"

"Doctor," Sarah Jane spoke up, interrupting her son. She held out a hand for the box and when the Doctor so eagerly handed it to her, she placed it on the closest shelf rather than in her trolley. "I know you've been going through my cupboards. You should realize by now that I don't approve of such cereals."

Clyde complained about it every time he stayed overnight, deciding that Sarah Jane's company was much more acceptable than his own mum's. Not that it ever changed her mind. She was determined to raise Luke with as much of a normal life as possible for the two of them. Ruining your health with improper breakfasts was not normal in Sarah's opinion. And Luke never complained. He didn't seem ever to mind.

"Toucan, Sarah Jane! And absolutely no cholesterol! You can't ask for more than that." The Doctor blinked, smiling prettily at her. She pulled out a paper bag of jelly babies from her coat pocket, offering one to Luke before popping another in her mouth. "Or we could just buy more jelly babies and give him that for breakfast. Only 335 kilocals. Absolutely a brilliant way for a growing boy to start his day."

The Doctor was absolutely mad! Sarah Jane sighed, coming close to glaring at her. She noticed Luke blink in confusion from the corner of her eye and sighed again. She placed a hand on Luke's shoulder. "Would you mind fetching the eggs, Luke?"

He nodded and began to walk away before turning around for a moment. He looked far too earnest for Sarah Jane's liking. Luke hesitated for a moment and then spoke. "Maria said her parents rowed a lot before they split up. Don't go, Doctor? Mum really does like having you around. So do I."

"See?" The Doctor said smugly after Luke had wandered down another aisle. "Luke needs a second mum. And I can't think of anybody better to fill that role than me. And don't tell me you can, Sarah Jane. Because that's completely untrue. I am your best friend, after all. I can help raise him! It'll be an adventure!"

For a few seconds, Sarah wouldn't believe her own ears. The Doctor despised domesticity. She had seen him frown every time she suggested they go to Aunt Lavinia's for Christmas Day meal back when she had travelled with him. But now, now that she had found a way not just to interfere in her life again but that of her son's? Oh, of course the Doctor would stick about. If just to remind Sarah Jane what she couldn't have anymore. Not with this whole gender change.

"Luke doesn't need two mums! He has me!"

She was close to yelling and, at the very least, her words earned a strange look from a passing elderly lady. Sarah Jane felt herself flush in embarrassment. She hadn't meant it like that. The Doctor was a woman now. Gender swaps had ruined everything. But still, only the Doctor ever knew how to properly get her this riled up.

"You're nothing but the Devil's advocate right now, Doctor. Picking arguments with me over every single way I'm raising my son. I promised Luke a normal life, you see. You said there were wonders on Earth to explore when we said goodbye and that's exactly what I intend to keep showing him. Instead you keep filling him - and Maria and Clyde, might I add! - with stories about places he won't get to because I'm only human! And that's exactly what he is. He doesn't need another mother, let alone a Gallifrian one who knows nothing of human customs! I made a promise and unlike you, I keep my word."

There. Sarah Jane had said it all. She took a deep breath, trying to regain her calm. Tesco wasn't the place for a row like this but she couldn't help it. Luke didn't need someone who would keep disappearing. And neither did she for that matter.

When there was no response, she began to busy herself with finding a proper cereal brand off the shelf. Sarah had never blown up at the Doctor like this before. She had always been too infatuated when she was younger and then, when they met again, she fancied herself as too mature. The silence lingered. With every passing moment of no response, she began to feel more and more guilty. The Doctor hadn't stormed away, not yet anyway. The only footsteps she had heard were those of pesky eavesdroppers hurrying away from the other end of the aisle, presumably from a stern Doctor's glare.

Finally, Sarah forced herself to look up. What she saw hurt even more. She had never seen this sort of look of disappointment or hurt on his - her, she corrected herself - face before. It was as if she had kicked a puppy dog that had only wished to befriend her. Instantly, Sarah Jane felt horrible. She needed to do something that she had always been loath to do: apologise.

"I suppose trying Fruit Loops for a week won't hurt him," she said quietly, still not quite meeting the Doctor's eyes. "At the very least, it's quite the step up from candy for breakfast."

The Doctor smiled. It was a bright smile, one that seemed not to take into account any of their previous argument. "I knew you'd see reason! Now we just need to get him a proper toucan to keep him company at breakfast time!"

Then, before Sarah had the chance to respond, the Doctor pulled her in for a tight hug. She had to smile despite the mild awkwardness she felt; and in the end, it wasn't as horrible to hug a female Doctor as Sarah Jane would have thought. She leaned her head against the Doctor's chest (who would always be taller than her, wouldn't she?), not caring at all what any passing busybody thought.

When they pulled apart, she laughed and smiled. "Luke's not allowed to start calling you mum yet, though. Not unless you really do start sticking around more."

The Doctor shrugged, reaching for the box of cereal and throwing it in the trolley. "I've always wanted to be called Auntie! Auntie Doctor: has sort of a ring to it, don't you think?"

She had to agree. Considering everything, Auntie Doctor didn't sound so awful after all. Luke would be lucky to have someone so special in his life. As it was, Sarah felt honoured to have her best friend back again, no matter the shape or form. Sarah Jane was very lucky indeed.

[ooc: based on roleplay with eleventh_doctor]

response, the doctor(eleven), luke smith, cm

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