[Creative Muses] Response

May 21, 2007 15:30

4. Backseat Driver

“Ah, um, Doctor, I think that you’re doing it wrong.”

She stood on her tiptoes to lean over his shoulder, resting her hand on his back to keep her balance. Her chin rested on his shoulder and the long, multicoloured scarf tickled her skin. Sarah Jane tilted her head slightly and smiled up at him when he flashed her a look of utter disdain.

“Oh, I’m serious,” she continued, smile turning cheeky. “I’ve watched you, you know. Every single time you’ve been at this console and I’m serious. You’re not doing it correctly this time, Doctor.”

“Sarah Jane, have you forgotten? I am a Timelord, a Timelord who has been travelling this cosmos for longer than you have even been alive. I would think that, if I really was doing it wrong, I would know.”

She rolled her eyes at him, gripping the fabric of his coat. “I know you’re a Timelord. You constantly remind me of it whenever you’re the tiniest bit grumpy. And Timelord or not, we’re never going to wind up in Peladon if you keep this up.”

The Doctor furrowed his brows and glanced at Sarah Jane for less than a second before turning his attention back to the TARDIS console. He reached for one of the controls to wind up, causing it to honk angrily at him. Sarah unsuccessfully suppressed her laugh, earning a distinct glare from her friend. He whirled another knob, scowling again when the consul made yet another disagreeable noise.

“I told you, Doctor,” Sarah mocked cheerfully. She pointed to a switch across from them. “It’s that one there.”

“My TARDIS,” he mumbled as he reached for the switch. Sarah Jane let go, sidestepping the scarf from tangling around her feet. She giggled as he walked around to the other side and giggled more so when her suggestion actually worked. Hah!

“My TARDIS,” he mumbled again, turning around to give her a look. “My TARDIS and I do not appreciate backseat drivers.”

She couldn’t resist smiling brightly and batting her eyelashes at him in a very playful way. “Even when they’re correct?”

“Especially then.”

response, the doctor(four), cm

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