[Creative Muses] Response

Apr 29, 2007 12:10

If you knew the world would end in one week, what would you do?

The world was ending. She had faced this sort of threat many times before, but this time, it seemed different. There was more finality to the cause, more despair than ever before. The world was ending, her precious world was ending, and even if they had less than a week, Sarah Jane knew better than to think the Doctor would let it go without a fight. This meant, if she’d ever want to look on herself with any sort of dignity ever again, that she wouldn’t let the world end without a fight too.

Even if it meant she’d die, Sarah couldn’t just let another moment go by without doing something. There’d be a last minute plan - there always was a last minute plan. But before anything else happened, there was something she had to do. Something that she had put off and put off until this point, the quite literal almost end of the world.

She didn’t care how cliché it was. How out of the cinema it seemed or out of one of her silly romance novels or any of that flipping nonsense. In the days to come, they would be too busy trying to stop the Dalek threat. This was her last chance and her last opportunity to do what she had been longing to do for months now.

This time, when the Doctor smiled that goofy and toothy smile at her, Sarah Jane grabbed his scarf, pulled his face down to hers, and kissed him deeply.

“I love you, Doctor. I always will.”

response, the doctor(four), cm

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