Oct 05, 2008 09:30
I haven't been by here in forever. Probably because the folks that I interact with daily are all over on MySpace. I use that community, as jacked up as it is, to keep in touch with old and new mates due to the sheer convenience of it.
Looking back on the entries here and the friends list makes me wonder. Why on earth one individual still has me friended and why on earth do the others, who must surely notice my lack of activity, keep me friended.
It could be something similar to what I'm doing...merely having attention elsewhere, other more important things to do, yadda yadda yadda.
But, for those of you that still check this journal:
Things are going really well for me and my family. My mother had full knee replacement surgery not too long ago and has made a fabulous and full recovery. She was released from physical therapy with a gold star of approval from her doctor and is anxious to get out and about.
Elly is an absolute dream come true and is growing SO fast! She's seven months old now and is so long and leggy that she's needing 9-12month clothing just to be comfortable. She'll be a long, lean, tall drink of water when she gets older with that strawberry blond hair, big blue eyes and peaches and cream skin. Looks like Jarred and I will be waiting on the porch with shotguns and mean looks when her dates come to pick her up. *I kid, I kid...ok, not really*
She's got two teeth in and more are obviously on their way. Her gums are swollen again, the poor dear, but Tylenol and cold chewies help. She's really getting into eating solid foods and would rather have that than her bottles of formula and frankly with as disgusting as the hypo-allergenic formulas are I don't blame her. I let her try the tiniest bit of chocolate cake yesterday and she didn't like it at all! So, if this is a sign that she's not going to favor sweets, I'm all for it. She might end up like her daddy and not have the sweet tooth or love of nearly all things chocolate that her mommy has.
I'm doing well...I'm always busy with the little one unless she just wants to chill in her pack&play. When she's content to stretch out and play I can step away and do something like this or play a little EQ2 or Eve Online. Otherwise I don't get "to internet" until she crashes for the night at around 8pm.
But you know, I don't miss it. I have far more fun playing with Elly than I've ever had gaming or what-not...and it's far more rewarding, obviously.
There's nothing like acting like a fool, making a little girl laugh like crazy, and not being the least bit ashamed of how ridiculous I'm looking. It's so liberating to be able to act completely goofy and crazy and be rewarded for your ludicrous behavior. Her belly laughs and bright-eyed, cheeky grins are worth everything to me.
Jarred's wonderful as usual. He's working hard for me and the baby and I couldn't be more proud. He and I game together when we have time but his twelve hour shifts mean a short time together and lots of sleep for him. We're looking forward to his next two days off, much time with the baby and gaming will be had!
Well, I can't honestly think of anything else to post about.
I'm still smoking but planning on quitting at the first of the year...a new year's resolution I suppose. I don't honestly see anything attractive or glamorous about it and I'd rather be healthy and feel good for my baby than suck smoke from a stick. But an addiction is an addiction and I'll need to wean myself. I "quit cold-turkey" the day I found out I was pregnant and frankly I don't want to go through that again. Granted I also quit taking the Cymbalta and dropped caffeine...so it was a triple-whammy that made me feel all kinds of sick...and that's not counting the all-the-time sickness I had. Oops, way to get off-topic there, Nae.
Anyway, that's the plan. I'm not giving up my alcoholic libations but I'm going to be giving up the cigarettes. There's really no point to it and it gets expensive as hell...especially with my costly taste in smokes. Not to mention, I'm tired of smelling like an ashtray, no matter how much I try to freshen up after a cigarette. Honestly, you can have showered that day, washed your hands, brushed your teeth, Febreezed yourself and STILL smell like smoke.
I don't want Elly getting to where she associates that smell with Mother. There are far more pleasant things like the gentle perfumes and moisturizers that I use, the nice fabric softener...the essential oils I use for rites.
I'd rather her associate lavender, jasmine, myrrh, plumeria, vanilla or nymphaea caerulea with Mother.
Well, now that this has turned into a rambling disjointed mess of words and thoughts I think I'll wrap it up before it gets worse. Elly's getting restless and I think she and I will chill out together and watch Fantasia or something of the sort.
Take care my pretty ones. I hope your lives are gentle and kind to you as of late.