the_muses_stage March Prompt Set 36 || One Word || Divide

Mar 17, 2010 19:25

She stared at the reflection in the mirror. She didn't do it often.

Didn't need to.

Didn't want to.

There were so many scars. Inside and out. What was the point in looking at the ones on the outside? It would be just another reminder as to who she'd been. Where she'd been. What she'd done. Everything once bad in her life.

Everything that made her different from Buffy.

Because even in the comfort, or what little of it she had, of her bedroom, in the shadows and away from anyone else, did she still struggle with the divide.

And while Faith was a lot of things, she wasn't stupid. Contrary to others beliefs. She knew firsthand how Buffy was the golden girl. The hero. Everything she wasn't. Everything she wouldn't be. There was too much good in the blonde to be anything but.

Nothing at all like the brunette. She'd never be able to touch the darkness Faith had and would forever struggle to avoid. The same darkness that came from the one that had given her the newest scar.

Another addition to the many. Oh, and there were plenty. Some of the old wounds, scars, markings - whatever you wanted to call them, would forever mark how far she'd gone in wanting to take everything away from Buffy.

But right now she focused on the new wound that would serve as a reminder as to how she tried and was still trying to make amends for all she'd done.

Stepping closer to the full length mirror, Faith tilted her head to the side, letting her neck crane some so her hair would fall off the scar, letting it come into sight. - A main reason she refused to ever wear her hair up and in a ponytail. Not wanting to answer questions as to how she had received it. - Calloused fingers hovered over the marking, almost afraid to touch it. Seeing it was one thing. Feeling it... well, that was another. Even if she did feel it with every nerve of her body, she couldn't bring herself to touch it with her fingers. To give it the amount of consciousness that she was now.

Being bitten by a vampire wasn't something most Slayers often came back from. Alive at any rate. So for there to be two Slayers to walk, figuratively, away from their biting in the same lifetime wasn't just coincidence. No, it was far more than that. It was The Powers That Be, dipping their hands into the two Slayers lives. Making sure to entwine the two lives as much as possible, while always keeping the divide.

And here was where it grew.

Where Buffy had her scar on the right side of her neck...

...Faith had her own on the left.

Mirrored wounds.

Where Buffy had been given her scar by Angel...

...Faith had been given her scar by Angelus.

Despite the differences, there was still the same factor involded; both Slayers had willingly given themselves over to save Angel.

And it was that little bit of truth that gave Faith some light on her side of the divide.


the_muses_stage March Prompt - Set 36 || One Word || Divide
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