Today, was a normal day...
it got badddddddd...
here's how it goes...
All was fine and dandy untill, oh, i'd say about...5:30. Innocently, I'm strolling throught the hallway in my house by the laundry room door (yes this is forshadowing), when i waltze across a damp spot of carpet. I'm talking to brittany lee on the telephone, and i tell her about this strange incident, because i hadn't spilt anything on the carpet, but i figured that my father , who was previously walking around that specific area of carpet earlier, had maybe split water and been too lazy to clean it up. Typical for my father. So I don't think anything of it and I go on with my night like nothing had ever happened. I go to the market place with sarah lee, brittany lee, and miss morgan. We stayed, mmmmmm, probably a grand total of 30 min. where the four of us, and greg, tony and zach decided that it'd be alot more fun if we go back to my house and hang out there.
So, we (me, brittany, sarah, morgan, greg, tony, and zach) allll pile into Greg's three-seated truck, sarah and zach are in the bed of the truck. Greg, me, morgan, brittany and tony (untop of brittany), in that order, drive down the street, which isn't very far, to my humble establishment. On the way, we encounter some turns. Greg, so graciously, turned VERY FAST, and VERY SHARP, the result of this, is sarah FLYING onto zach, and a very large bump on her head. When we arrive, at the humble establishment which i regularly call my home, i turn the key to the door, and we enter. We start to watch "The Girl Next Door" (because Tony wanted to see boobs) and then we hear the back door open. IT’S MY BROTHER HOME FROM EUROPE!!!!!!!, and in follows my mom. My Brother, who is very kind, i missed him dearly on his three week journey to another country, gave to me a present. My mother added "It was the most expensive thing he got on his low budget for spending". This made me feel very special. I opened up the little white box, and in it was the most beautiful little music box I’ve ever seen. It really meant a lot to me. My brother won't see this entry, but I'd still like to extend my gratitude for him. I love him very much.
So then my brother exits the living room, where we were watching the movie, and I assume he goes to bed because he had a very long flight. Well, I guess he didn't go to sleep. Instead he'd like to indulge in a shower before-hand. But I took the last towel last night when i took a shower. So, he goes into the laundry room to get more towels. He opens the dryer and takes a towel...but what's this? The washer is leaking a clear fluid that appears to be water? Well, according to my brother, the washer tends to do this sometimes, but there is usually just a little puddle in the bottom of the washer, no big deal right? So, my brother, being the smart person that he is, opens the washer just OUT OF PLAIN CURIOSITY...and IN A STORMING RAGE OF FURY COMES SWARMS OF WAVES COLLIDING TOGETHER IN A MERCILESS ATTEMPT AT OUR DEMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother then closes the washer as fast as he humanly could to prevent any further waves from proceeding onto the floor. (we have yet to find out if there is STILL water in the washer.) My brother then proceeds back to the living room with "Kaycee, we have a problem"...
I walk back to where the massacre had previously occurred, while brittany is shouting "the puddle the puddle" (as we discussed earlier in the day). Well, now, the "puddle" had turned itself into a sea on the laundry room floor, and the carpet outside of the laundry room. THIS IS NOT GOOD. Carpet can mold and be ruined if left wet. So my brother and I took all the FREAKING CLEAN TOWELS out of the dryer to mop up the water on the laundry room flooring. Seven towels later, there is still a baracade around the washer and dryer to prevent any further leakage, for there was still a good amount of water underneath, and the carpet still SOAKING wet...still...not...good... What is a brother and sister to do?....WE START BLOTTING THE CARPET. I take alllll the beach towels out of the lienin closet and stack them on the floor. My brother demands "jump, carpet..nowwwwwwwwwwwww" so, i start jumping. Water seeping through the towels to my feet with every hop, and step. "you know what keith?...this isn't working very well....HEY! how about i get a blow dryer...that ought to speed things up a bit..." So i get my blow dryer and start drying, while my brother is still blotting. All is well, until GRAND OL' KAYCEE gets an even better idea!!!... TWO BLOWDRYERS that REALLLYYYY ought to speed things up a bit... So, i plug in my 2 blow dryers, and just start dryyyinnnggg away..THEN, *loudsoundthatsoundslikealltheairwassuckedoutofaballoonreallyreallyfast*.... Kaycee blew a curuit...there are now no lights in the laundry room, or the bathroom, and the outlet with the hair dryers, isn't working...this is REALLY not good... After i so cleverly blew the curuit, we were back to only blotting, annnddd my brother couldnt take his shower 'till we got the lights back to a nice working condition. Then it was kaycee, sarah and brittany, back at square one, blotting again.......
It is about 4:30 a.m. and Brittany and I are still up...and we are a little bit curious as to the condition my washer is in... So, we un-duct-tape the sign on my washer that says "WARNING: If opened...May flood...<3 Kaycee & Keith" and we get some big bowls from the kitchen JUST INCASE there is water purging through the cracks. OUR HYPOTHYSIS WAS INDEED CORRECT... carefully, with the buckets underneath the door of the washer, we open it....WATER CASCADES THROUGH THE DOOR!!!!!! I close it as quickly as possible, water bellowing at my feet. We proceed to do this for a good while. Once, i opened it kind of wide, and BRITTANY SAW INSIDE...A CAVE OF DOOM.... WATER STILL HALF WAY FULL LINGERING IN THE WASHER, WAITING, WATCHING US, LAUGHING AT US IN ITS MERCILESS CHUCKLE!!!!!!!! Her eyes petrified..."i saw insiiidddeeee"... I saw inside too... Soon the water died down as we emptied the buckets in the sink...There is now a little tiny puddle in the washer, and i do believe that we successfully solved this problem until the next load of laundry...
ill keep you updated...
Here is a link to some pics of the massacre. After all that mess, Brittany and I decided to get on top of my roof and watch the sun rise. we went up there at about 5:30 and waited for about an hour for it to rise, and by the time all the streetlights had turned off, and the owls were done telling tales of the night before, the sun had just peaked over the mountain top, and through the palm trees. We were at the highest spot on my roof, and the light was blinding and we talked about the chimneys, and that mine was the best looking chimney in the neighborhood, as far as our eyes could see. And i was thinking about you.