Jan 06, 2008 19:30

Character: Hinata Natsumi
Series: Keroro Gunsou/Sgt. Frog
Character Age: 17
Canon: Dispose of all logic and reason here-resistance is futile. Rich with meta and parodies, Keroro Gunsou deals with the ridiculous antics of a platoon of adorable, cracked-out alien frogs as they endeavor to control a human family (but really just end up living alongside them) and invade the earth (but really just get distracted by shinies and get nothing accomplished at all). Mission has not been, is not, and will never be accomplished.

Hinata Natsumi is in your base, topping your aliens mercilessly. Athletic, clever and extremely short-tempered, she's the boss of anywhere (and any dimension) she may visit and she knows it. Be it oppressing the frogs with house chores or dealing them an instant K.O., she makes sure that they understand that she is Not Impressed by any attempts at invasion. The only way they'll get to access to her sweet side (and her delicious homemade cooking) is if they obey her and behave. Still, Natsumi is very much a normal teenage girl who really just wants a normal life. She just always happens to be in the most bizarre situations she could ever not ask for.

Sample Post:

Jeeeeez! When did I become the only sane person on earth-no, anywhere? I try to go on one normal vacation and I just end up somewhere weird again! All I want is somewhere without tentacles or explosions or sentient lingerie... is that really so much to ask for? And what kind of name is "Camp Fuck Your Logic" anyway? If I find out that the stupid frog is behind this, he better get ready to croak.

To top it all off, I've had a bunch of creeps following me around everywhere I go ever since I got here... yes, you! And don't start groaning at me now. Can't you at least ask a girl her name first? Say her hair looks nice? Just once, I don't want to be referred to by my species or my home planet. Stupid aliens. It's not like it's even that hard! Oh, and you can keep saying that you like me for my brains, but if I catch you staring one more time, I won't forgive you. So pick your jaws off the floor already before I floor you. Honestly, the nerve...!

-What, you guys haven't left yet? Some people just can't take a hint... fine, you can stay, but you better pull your own weight. You, wipe that stupid smirk off your face and go wipe the windows! The last thing that this place needs is stained glass. And you, take care of all the clutter! Put your junk in that box or I'll really give you something to moan about. Oh, and you-okay, you look like you've got a good head on your shoulders. And keep it there, if you know what's good for you. Listen up! You're going to help me make something for everyone so that you guys don't look as freakish and malnourished. I feel bad just looking at you... but don't get the wrong impression! It's just easier on my eyes this way. And no complaining, either! It will be delicious cake, and you will eat it. Or else.

Huh? You don't know anything about making one? It's not like it takes brains to make stuff like this or anything. Don't worry, there's no way you can do it wrong if you follow Natsumi-sama's lead! ... hey, what do you mean my cake is a lie?! Do you think YOU can do better? Then let's see it! If you don't really put your heart into it, there's no way that you'll beat m-



[ vooooting.]


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